The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 5050

However, Ye Chen waved his hand to Li Nianzong at this time and said: “Although I agree with your evaluation of these people, I do not agree with your punishment of these people.”

Li Nianzong hurriedly asked: “Sir, what do you think is wrong?”

Ye Chen said lightly: “Killing people is always easy, but most of the time, killing people lacks enough justice. After all, you are just a group, not a sound society. If you want to kill them, firstly, there is no law to follow, and secondly, You may not be able to completely convince the public, if your actions give other people a feeling of “those who oppose me will perish”, then for others, what is the difference from being controlled by the Qing Dynasty?”

Li Nianzong was stunned, and asked him: “Sir, what do you mean?”

Ye Chen said lightly: “Once today’s goal is achieved, you will be out of the control of the Po Qinghui in a practical sense, and I am not your new master, but I have reached a fair agreement with you. The content of this agreement I am the one who will provide you with the antidote, and you will fight against the Poqing Society with me. Once the Poqing Society is eradicated, this agreement will naturally terminate;”

“So, during the continuation stage of this agreement, although your general direction must comply with the agreement with me, but within you, you need to establish a set of internal order with credibility. When making decisions on any internal affairs, You must be able to convince the public.”

Speaking of this, Ye Chen paused, and continued: “Once this credible internal order is established, this set of order is equivalent to your internal basic laws, and everyone’s behavior must be bound by this set of basic laws , and you must ensure the fairness of this set of laws and ensure that it applies to each of you;”

“As for those who intend to betray the Xiao Cavalry Guards, they should be punished with this set of basic rules after the establishment of this set of basic rules, so that they can truly convince the public.”

Having said that, Ye Chen looked at Li Nianzong, and said earnestly: “If you really want to kill them, it must be everyone who wants to kill them, not just you.

Li Nianzong was silent for a while, and said gratefully: “Sir, I understand what you mean!”

Ye Chen hummed, and said lightly: “You go down and prepare first, find someone you trust completely, tell them the situation, let them get ready, I will meet the people behind, one by one, look inside Is there anyone else who is the same as Ma Chenfei? If so, I will also let them hold a towel in their left hand to distinguish them, and then you will bring people to catch them all!”

After Li Nianzong left the office, Ye Chen did not let the next person come in immediately, but took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Wan Pojun, asking him to land immediately according to the original plan, and go around to the back of the copper mine to wait.

At this time, the Wan Po Army had already brought the elites of the Wanlong Palace, the seven Xiao cavalry guards, Wu Siqi and others to the coastline of Cyprus by boat.

According to Ye Chen’s request, they parked and waited less than ten kilometers from the coastline.

In the next two hours, Ye Chen followed suit and met with the remaining heads of Xiaoqiwei at all levels.

This also allowed him to test out four more treacherous people who, like Ma Chenfei, intended to inform the organization in exchange for approval.

And Ye Chen also continued to use the same rhetoric as when he was fooling Ma Chenfei, making them think that they had made great achievements, and let them develop their own offline, so as to ensure that all of their people would be able to take medicine in the public later stage. He held a towel in his left hand so that Ye Chen could identify it.

At this moment, more than two hundred Xiaoqiguards have been virtually divided into two camps.

Those who are willing to follow Li Nianzong and others to fight against the Qing Dynasty and fight for freedom are ready to take over the entire copper mine.

However, there are still some brave cavalry guards who can’t wait to prove their sincerity in this “test”.

They were all gathered in Ma Chenfei’s office at this time, and Ma Chenfei told them what had happened before with difficulty concealing his excitement, and then said excitedly: “Thanks to my cleverness today, I discovered something strange in the antidote, so I didn’t intend to If I hit the right spot and passed the test of the British Lord, if I get crazy and try to take advantage of this opportunity to escape from the organization’s control like Li Nianzong and the others, I’m afraid we will all be doomed!”

These people selected by Ma Chenfei were just like him, eager to climb higher and higher in the organization, so after hearing what happened, they were all grateful and excited.

In their view, being able to successfully pass the test of the British Lord is a huge opportunity in itself, and everyone who seizes this opportunity will definitely be rewarded by the organization.

As a result, the crowd expressed their loyalty to Ma Chenfei excitedly, and one of them said excitedly: “Chief of the Central Banner, oh no, the future Commander, you will make a great success in the future, but don’t forget us loyal people.” what!”

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