The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 5414

“Subordinates obey!”

Half an hour later, a private plane took off from Naples airport.

Wu Shutong set off for Cyprus with a few confidants, aerial drones and other equipment.

After the plane landed, they repeated Jiangong Bo Ou Bojun’s route, yes. Ah, after leaving the airport, I rented a car and drove to the location where the copper mine is located.

At this time, the entire copper mine was surrounded by official Cyprus investigators, who blocked the news while urgently excavating the site.

The purpose of the excavation is to know how many casualties there are.

However, what surprised the Cyprus officials was that they excavated soil and building ruins at multiple points in the subsidence area, and then invited relevant testing experts to quickly test the samples excavated from multiple points. It was found that none of these samples contained any human tissue, or human blood or even DNA.

In other words, there may be no one here at all, or there may be no victims here at all.

This confuses the official investigators in Cyprus.

The entire copper mine collapsed into a deep ruin, but there seemed to be no one in it, so where did the people in the same frame go? Did they withdraw early?

But such a catastrophic accident must have happened very suddenly. How could these people have time to evacuate?

The only possibility is that these people had completely evacuated before the disaster struck.

If this is the case, then this is not an accident or a natural disaster, but a premeditated man-made destruction.

But this is even more inexplicable, because after all, this is a copper mine that has been built and put into operation for decades, and the entire investment is at least several hundred million dollars. Why does the owner of the copper mine destroy this place into ruins?

Just when they were puzzled, an excited voice suddenly came from the intercom at the scene: “We found a metal object like a bullet here, and there seems to be blood on it!”

The on-site commander immediately blurted out: “Quick! Bring the things up, and remember not to contaminate the traces and blood on them!”

Soon, the staff delivered the unearthed metal bullets in sealed bags.

Although the commander is not a weapon expert, he can recognize at a glance that this thing must be a bullet, and the bullet has a very thick caliber, so it is not an ordinary bullet at first glance.

So, he immediately sent a photo of the warhead to the weapons expert, who quickly responded that it looked like a 30mm close-in anti-aircraft warhead.

The biologists at the scene also successfully detected the components of human blood and DNA from the warhead.

For a moment, the entire on-site headquarters was in an uproar!

5 replies on “Chapter: 5414”

Thanks a bunch so far… This novel have really helped me kill my loneliness… Please kindly increase the number of chapters.

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