The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 5912

Lin Wan’er’s question immediately shocked Ye Chen.

Thinking about it carefully, what Lin Wan’er said makes perfect sense. If this is really a huge plan that has been planned for more than 20 years, then it is impossible for anyone to pin the key points of this plan on an unreliable man.

I believe no one understands how unreliable Xiao Changkun is than Ye Chen.

Although he is his father-in-law, he can say a very responsible thing. If the key to the success or failure of a major event is placed on him, then the matter will most likely be aborted.

So he immediately picked up his cell phone and called his father-in-law, Xiao Changkun.

At this time, Xiao Changkun was lying in Tang Chen Yipin’s room playing with his mobile phone.

Ever since Han Meiqing and He Yuanjiang got together, his life has lost its fun. In addition, there is a Ma Lan at home who irritates him, so the best way for him to pass the time is to hide in his room. Playing with mobile phone inside, not going anywhere

He was somewhat surprised when he suddenly received a call from Ye Chen. After all, Ye Chen said that he had been out doing Feng Shui to clients during this period. He had not been home for a few days and had not had any contact with him.

So, he answered the phone and asked curiously: “Good son-in-law, why did you think of calling me this late at night?”

Ye Chen quickly said: “Dad, I’m out of town these days, and I might not be able to go back for a while, so I called to ask how you and mom are doing at home.”

Xiao Changkun said angrily: “What else can I do? She and I have nothing in common, so we just ignore each other’s faults.”

Ye Chen smiled, pretending to be curious and said: “By the way, dad, do you still remember Zhou Liangyun from Ji Qingtang?”

“Zhou Liangyun?” Xiao Changkun said in surprise: “I remember, why did you suddenly ask about him?”

Ye Chen said: “My current client is also very interested in antiques, so we talked about Ji Qingtang during the chat. I didn’t expect that he also knew Zhou Liangyun, so I wanted to ask you how you met him.”

Xiao Changkun muttered unhappily: “I met him at Jiqingtang. During that time, I was also more interested in antique calligraphy and painting. I always wanted to pick up some things on the antique street, so I always went to Jiqingtang when I had nothing to do. If you run, seeing what you see there will be a great experience;”

“When Zhou Liangyun first came to Jiqingtang as the manager, he was very polite to me. Every time I went to Jiqingtang, he would take the initiative to receive me. He also took the initiative to add me on WeChat and talked all day long about Mr. Xiao’s good qualities and Mr. Xiao’s shortcomings. I wanted to be as flattering as I wanted, but I didn’t expect that this bastard would fall out faster than he could flip through a book. I accidentally broke the jade pot spring vase that time, and he actually slapped me in the face and asked his men to kill me. After a beating, he really turned his back on me and turned his back on me!”

Ye Chen saw that he took the initiative to mention the Yu Hu Chun Ping, so he followed his words and asked: “By the way, I haven’t asked clearly about the Yu Hu Chun Ping that day. You were in the VIP room at that time. Why did you accidentally drop the jade pot and spring vase when you were looking at something? I don’t think you are the kind of careless person in your daily life…”

Xiao Changkun said angrily: “Of course I’m not careless. It’s not like you don’t know my financial situation. Ma Lan handles all the money at home. I can usually spend 8,000 yuan on it, so no matter what you look at, I am very cautious about any antiques, for fear of being dropped or touched by others or being tampered with…”

Speaking of this, Xiao Changkun said depressedly: “The jade pot spring vase was also evil that day. When I just got it, it seemed to be greased. It slipped directly from my hand and fell off with a snap. It’s on the ground, maybe that guy surnamed Zhou put oil on it and touched me on purpose.”

Ye Chen wondered: “Dad, after the jade pot and spring vase broke, I used egg white to repair it. I remember that it didn’t seem to be oiled, and I remember that its surface was not very smooth, because it was Tang Dynasty It is an ancient artifact, so its glaze is relatively rough and has a certain frosted feel when held in the hand. This kind of thing has strong damping, so how can it slip from the hand?”

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