The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6038

Bruce Weinstein said quickly: “I am in a very serious situation now, and you may be the only one who can save my life!”

Mark asked in surprise: “Bruce, what’s wrong with you? Are you injured?”

Bruce Weinstein choked up: “It’s much more serious than being injured. You are the only one who can save my life now…”

Mark realized the seriousness of the problem and said quickly: “Where are you? I’ll go find you now!”

Bruce Weinstein knows that although Mark is the attending physician, in his current situation, he is alone and unable to carry a lot of professional equipment. I am afraid he will be helpless, so the best and safest way now is to Go to the hospital to find him yourself.

So, he warned: “Mark, listen to me carefully. I need you to prepare a completely private treatment room now. You must not let a second doctor besides you come into contact with me. You Prepare now, I will rush over to find you now!”

Mark quickly asked: “Then tell me the general situation first, so that I can make targeted preparations to avoid wasting time!”

Bruce Weinstein struggled for a moment, but finally plucked up the courage to say, “It’s my little brother… He… He’s at least two or three times bigger than usual, maybe… I feel like he’s about to die…”

“Holyshit!” Mark asked subconsciously: “Did you take any medicine randomly?”

“I didn’t…” Bruce Weinstein blurted out: “I didn’t eat anything, and it suddenly seemed to be possessed. I feel like it is like a balloon that has been inflated to the extreme. Maybe it will blow up at some point. exploded!”

“Shit!” Mark cursed and said hurriedly: “Come to the hospital quickly and I’ll prepare the clinic. If it’s two or three times bigger like you said, it might be necrotic! You must do it as soon as possible, the sooner. The better!”

Bruce Weinstein was also so frightened that he trembled all over and blurted out: “I…I’ll go over right now!”

After that, he threw the phone aside, looked at Camilla and the other girl, and blurted out: “Quick, help me get dressed and drive me to Manhattan Hospital!”

Camilla subconsciously said: “Warden, you… your current situation, I’m afraid you can’t put on pants…”

Bruce Weinstein looked down, feeling desperate.

With the posture in front of me, it was impossible to put on pants, unless I directly bought a pair of overalls.

Camilla suddenly had an idea and said quickly: “Warden, how about I get you a bathrobe!”

“Okay!” Bruce Weinstein agreed without hesitation and blurted out: “Go and get it for me!”

A few minutes later, two Miss Worlds wearing sunglasses and masks, one on the left and one on the right, struggled to support Bruce Weinstein, who was hastily wrapped in a bathrobe, and the three of them hurriedly walked out of the room.

Bruce Weinstein’s severe pain at the moment had no relief, and he had to walk, so every time he opened his legs, he would feel unprecedented torture, as if countless needles were desperately piercing him.

But he also knew very well that in this situation, no matter how painful it was, he had to endure it, and he must not be pretentious. Otherwise, he would most likely faint here due to the continuous severe pain. If he lost consciousness, these two women would Try not to take responsibility or anger Gustavo, and you will definitely call 911 to find emergency personnel as soon as possible. In that case, even if you barely save your dog’s life, you will have no shame in staying in the United States in the future.

At this moment, Bruce Weinstein burst out with unprecedented strong willpower, endured the severe pain, and came to the underground garage with the two Miss Worlds.

Camila got into Bruce Weinstein’s car and drove to Manhattan Hospital under his direction.

Ten minutes later, the car finally stopped at the entrance of Manhattan Hospital, and Bruce Weinstein’s good friend Mark was already ready and waiting at the door pushing a wheelchair alone.

Seeing Bruce Weinstein’s car approaching, he hurriedly pushed his wheelchair and ran over to open the door.

At this moment, Bruce Weinstein was curled up on the passenger seat, twitching violently in pain and retching. Mark didn’t expect the situation to be so serious, so he quickly took him out of the passenger seat.

7 replies on “Chapter: 6038”

I read 6038 chapters and I don’t see that this book is going to finish,please let me know if I am getting close to the end.Tks πŸ™‚

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