The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6496

Chen Yufei was able to run a rat warehouse in Ji Qingtang and wanted to run away Zhou Liangyun in order to ensure that his position was not threatened at all. This shows that he attaches great importance to interests.

And what he desperately wants to keep is nothing more than a job with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands a year, and by the way, he can make hundreds of thousands of money.

But what he didn’t expect was that in order to keep such a job, he would miss out on a huge sum of 20 million yuan. This was like a bolt from the blue to him, and it was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

What he didn’t expect was that he missed out on the 20 million, and ended up going around in Zhou Liangyun’s pocket, which made him feel worse than death.

So, he immediately hung up the phone on the vendor, picked up his cell phone and called Zhang Ermao.

He knew that Zhang Ermao had set his WeChat account to Do Not Disturb, so he called him directly.

Zhang Ermao was sleeping soundly this time when his cell phone suddenly buzzed.

He picked up the phone impatiently. When he saw that it was Chen Yufei calling again, he answered the phone angrily and blurted out: “Didn’t I tell you? If something happens, send it to WeChat. I will check it when I wake up. You Why are you calling again?”

Chen Yufei was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, hopping around in circles and saying, “Brother Ermao! Something happened! Something big happened!”

“What happened?” Zhang Ermao asked disdainfully: “Did Zhou Liangyun get beaten up for selling fake goods? Or did he go to the police knowing that he had been deceived?”

By now, Chen Yufei was deeply disgusted with Zhang Ermao’s confident attitude. The original flattery and flattery in his heart completely disappeared at this moment. He almost hysterically shouted at Zhang Ermao: “Fake! Fake! Fake. Damn it! The ‘fake’ thing you prepared for him was sold for a total of 20 million! How could you sell me the same thing? ! I was also bewitched by you, recorded a video, and spread it. If people knew that the thing I kicked out was worth 20 million, where would I put my face? I would still have the face to appear in the antique street.

“Zhang Ermao! You’ve done me a disservice!”

Zhang Ermao was a little confused by Chen Yufei’s sudden questioning.

Although he had often heard such words before, no one dared to talk to him like this since he followed Hong Wu.

Just when he subconsciously wanted to scold Chen Yufei angrily, he suddenly remembered what Chen Yufei had just said and asked in shock: “What did you say? That thing was sold by Zhou Liangyun for 20 million?!”

“Yes!” Chen Yufei gritted his teeth and said, “The stall owner in Nantou saw them complete the deal with his own eyes! A collector from Yanjing gave Zhou Liang 20 million on the spot!”

As he said that, Chen Yufei, who was burning with anger, lost his mind and continued to curse: “Oh, by the way! That imitating bronze Buddha from the Ming Dynasty you made so smartly is actually from the Northern Song Dynasty! The gilt bronze wares of the Northern Song Dynasty You know, right? That’s it! You can’t fucking recognize it without the gilding on the outside. Did you fucking eat this bowl of rice? Mom is the biggest parallel dealer in the antique street. I didn’t expect you idiots to be worse than me! Do you know that if this news gets out, I’ll be fucked!”

“Fuck…” Zhang Ermao didn’t bother to be angry at the other party’s constant swear words.

He broke out in a cold sweat.

Zhang Ermao was much smarter than Chen Yufei.

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