The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6511

He felt that it was all because of Zhang Ermao that he was here today.

If Zhang Ermao hadn’t come up with this bad idea, how could he be so passive?

However, due to the fact that Zhang Ermao is now in power, he does not dare to trouble Zhang Ermao. He can only hope that the heat of this matter will pass quickly. At the same time, he also hopes that Song Wanting will not pay attention to this matter. In this way, he can avoid it. Limelight, even if you can come out and see people again.

At this moment, Wanting Song indeed did not continue to pay attention to the news on Antique Street.

But by coincidence, the news reached the ears of Mr. Song, who had retired at home and wrote and wrote all day long.

Mr. Song himself is also a collector, but he prefers calligraphy, painting and porcelain and pays little attention to bronzes. However, he does have many friends in the Jinling antique circle, so he heard about this from his own small circle after lunch. thing.

When the old man heard that the previous manager of Ji Qingtang had returned and picked up a 20 million yuan in one night, he began to pay attention to the whole story.

When he saw Chen Yufei’s video last night, he suddenly became furious.

In the old man’s opinion, Chen Yufei had completely embarrassed Ji Qingtang.

Now everyone in Jinling knows that the general manager of Ji Qingtang is a disgraceful super parallel importer. How can Ji Qingtang be famous in the future?

So he immediately called Song Wanting.

Wanting Song was in the office reviewing the progress reports of several major projects of the group. She received a call from the old man and asked respectfully: “Grandpa, are you looking for me?”

Mr. Song went straight to the point and asked her: “Wanting, what are you going to do with Chen Yufei from Ji Qingtang?”

“Chen Yufei?” Song Wanting recalled the video she saw on the road in the morning, and said with a smile: “I used to think that this person might not be very capable, but this morning I accidentally saw a video, and I felt that he might still be a bit talented. , give him some more time, maybe he can start Ji Qingtang again.”

Mr. Song asked: “You are not paying attention to the subsequent developments, are you?”

Wanting Song replied: “I’m not paying attention anymore. The group has too many things to do today and I really can’t take care of it. What’s wrong? Is there any new progress?”

Mr. Song said angrily: “Forget it, that kid was chatting in the video. It seemed like it was really happening. But this morning, Zhou Liangyun, the man in front of Ji Qingtang, sold the bronze Buddha in the video. , sold for 20 million! It turns out that the bronze Buddha is not a modern imitation of the Ming Dynasty as Chen Yufei said, but a serious gilded Venerable Supintuo from the Northern Song Dynasty! This time, our Ji Qingtang has lost face!”

“What?” Song Wanting exclaimed, “Is that bronze Buddha in the video from the Northern Song Dynasty?”

“Yes!” the old man said angrily: “How stupid is it to regard something from the Northern Song Dynasty as a modern imitation of the Ming Dynasty? The key point is that he is still the general manager of Ji Qingtang, and the antiques industry values ​​professionalism the most. , If our Ji Qingtang lets such a stupid guy be the general manager, outsiders must think that Ji Qingtang’s level is not that good!”

Speaking of this, the old man became even more angry and said angrily: “The key point is that this guy’s video of commenting on the Bronze Buddha is quite popular on the Internet. I think it has over 10,000 likes. Maybe it has been viewed in the tens or millions. Go! It’s really embarrassing this time!”

Song Wanting also realized the seriousness of the problem and said quickly: “Grandpa, please wait a moment. I will ask the human resources department to find out the situation now. After verifying that it is correct, they will handle Chen Yufei’s dismissal procedures and will not let him continue to stay in Jiqingtang.” ”

5 replies on “Chapter: 6511”

You’ve given up so fast…. he’s building something great from the context… just a little patience

Interesting… kudos for your insight…am enjoying every bit…now that the rains are pounding mercilessly, kindly update more chapters as we stay indoors… thanks for understanding.

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