The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6541

Sometimes, making the other party despair appropriately is also a strategic method.

If you meet a friend who you are not so close to and asks you to borrow 10,000 yuan, you can only lend him 1,000 yuan.

But you can’t directly say that I can only give you 1,000 yuan. Then your friend will have to curse you in his heart after taking the money. If a person is too weak, he will borrow ten thousand and only give one thousand.

The operation mode that is more in line with local characteristics is that you have to tell your friends first, my situation is worse than yours now. I borrowed a lot of money outside and still can’t pay it back. That person hasn’t lent me the money for three years. Give it back to me, just when my friend feels desperate, you can say it again, but if you are really anxious, I can cash out one thousand to you with a credit card.

In this way, when your friend gets a thousand yuan, he will not say he is extra grateful to you, but at least he will not say that you are not doing your best.

The same goes for President Bae.

He didn’t want to offend Xiao Changkun, but he couldn’t directly refuse Xiao Changkun and said don’t think about the position of president. That would make Xiao Changkun think that if something happened to me, you would have nothing to do with me, and you wouldn’t protect me or help me. It’s not interesting enough.

Therefore, he first greatly lowered Xiao Changkun’s psychological expectations. At this time, do you still want to be the president? To be honest with you, it is unknown whether you can stay in the association.

At this time, if Xiao Changkun is given a little more room to turn, he will definitely be grateful for Dade’s agreement.

At this moment, Chairman Pei saw that the atmosphere was almost heightened, and Xiao Changkun was indeed beginning to fear being expelled from the association. He sighed and said, “Chang Kun, we are so close, I will definitely do this.” I will try my best to protect you! Although I can’t protect the position of executive vice president, I will try my best to protect you as a vice president. If I can’t protect you as vice president, I will at least protect you as a director! Don’t worry, in this calligraphy and painting association, as long as I am there, you will be there!”

The psychological construction that Xiao Changkun just did may be kicked out by the Painting and Calligraphy Association.

But now the promise is to keep at least one director’s position, and possibly even an ordinary vice-president’s position.

This moment made him feel relieved as if he had survived a catastrophe.

It felt like being seriously ill and going to the hospital. The doctor said that my condition was very serious and there was a high chance that I would suffer from colds. In the end, I had two legs amputated and I survived. Although it was really miserable to lose both legs, at least I was still alive.

So he said with great gratitude: “Oh, President Pei, you are really my savior, President Pei! I really owe it to you this time!”

President Pei heard that he was so excited and knew that Xiao Changkun owed this favor to him, so he said: “Well, Chang Kun, you better play outside for a few days to avoid the limelight, and don’t be in a hurry to come back. , If you don’t come back, you won’t be the target of public criticism, and the matter will be handled by me.”

Hearing that President Pei asked him to avoid the limelight, Xiao Changkun was on the verge of crying and thought to himself: “My President Pei, this is the Fifth Master’s Tianxiang Mansion and there are no private rooms, so I didn’t bother to tell you that I have arrived in Jinling.” Okay, now you’re letting me hide from the limelight. Isn’t it all for nothing? Not only did the flight of more than 10,000 kilometers back and forth, the eight hours in the economy class were for nothing, but in the end, it was all in vain. Damn it, 300,000 yuan was donated for nothing! What kind of evil did I do?”

However, he only dared to complain about this in his heart and never dared to say it out loud, so he could only say with great gratitude: “Okay, President Pei, then I won’t be in a hurry to go back… Can you tell me, How are you going to run this?”

President Pei said: “In the evening, you find a computer and write a resignation email, saying that you are old and have limited energy. You plan to resign from the position of executive vice president. However, because of your deep feelings for the Painting and Calligraphy Association, you still have to resign.” I hope to continue to stay in the Painting and Calligraphy Association to contribute, and as for new positions in the association, I will obey the arrangements of the association;”

“As for me, I will hand over the vice-presidents for a small meeting tomorrow morning and explain things clearly to them. You, Xiao Changkun, will come down and be the lowest-ranked vice-president. The others will be promoted to the same level. Let Lao Xu, the most prestigious and senior among the vice-presidents, serve as the executive vice-president, so everyone should be convinced;”

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