The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6566

Although Xiao Changkun was completely defeated, he was helpless, but fortunately he still had Ma Lan, the sea-fixing needle, by his side.

Ma Lan’s role is to firmly nail Xiao Changkun into a certain state. If Xiao Changkun is too good at it, she will knock him back to his original shape. Now that Xiao Changkun is too decadent, she is forcing him to smile and open his business.

And Ma Lan’s attitude this time is also very clear. Don’t say that you, Xiao Changkun, have lost your job. Even if you become a vegetable, you still have to accompany me to shopping malls in Dubai. Even if you die, I will put your ashes in a box. , you still have to accompany me to go shopping.

So under the influence of Ma Lan’s sea-fixing needle, Xiao Changkun accompanied Ma Lan all day long, walking around, shopping, and taking photos, and his mood and mental state were finally relieved.

In Jinling, seeing that the wedding date of He Yuanjiang and Han Meiqing was approaching, Ye Chen also started to prepare for the wedding.

He Yuanjiang was his mother’s schoolmate and his elder. As for Han Meiqing, although she had known him not long ago, she was also a generous and decent intellectual, and her son Paul obeyed her and respected her, so Ye Chen also hoped to serve as The role of a good witness will live up to the trust of the two.

In addition to being a good witness, as the younger brother of the two newlyweds, he also had to be good at giving gifts, so after Ye Chen considered it, he decided to give each of them an enhanced version of the blood-saving heart-saving pill. They are all over fifty, so this pill must be of great significance to them.

Seeing that there were still two days before the wedding, Ye Chen’s grandfather, uncle, second uncle, and Li Yalin all ended their investment trip in Yanjing and returned to Jinling on the An family’s special plane.

Grandpa called Ye Chen before he got on the plane. He wanted to invite Ye Chen to his house for dinner and synchronize the latest investment targets.

Ye Chen naturally agreed and wanted to tell his wife that he was going to meet a client in the evening. However, he thought that Ma Lan and Xiao Changkun were not at home, and he did not want his wife to be alone, so he called Wang Dongxue from the Dihao Group and asked her to find a reason to make an appointment. Have dinner with my wife Xiao Churan.

Xiao Churan has always regarded Wang Dongxue as her noble person and the person who helped her the most when she started her business, so when Wang Dongxue said he wanted to treat her to dinner, she agreed without any hesitation, and then hurriedly apologized to Ye Chen After talking about this matter, he said that he was wronged by Ye Chen to handle dinner alone.

Ye Chen fully agreed and asked her to reminisce about the past with Wang Dongxue, which was considered a perfect solution.

When it was time to leave for the Champs Elysees Villa, He Yuanjiang called Ye Chen and said to Ye Chen: “Ye Chen, your Aunt Han and I have booked a box at Buckingham Palace. I want to invite you to come and sit down tomorrow night. You Aunt Han told you before, right?”

“Uncle He, I told you.” Ye Chen said with a smile, “What time will it be tomorrow night? I’ll be there on time.”

He Yuanjiang hurriedly asked: “What do you think about seven o’clock?”

“No problem.” Ye Chen said, “I’ll be there on time at seven o’clock.”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he thought of He Yuanjiang’s recognition of the prospects of the new energy industry when he was chatting with him before, so he asked him: “Uncle He, I wonder if you have time tonight?”

He Yuanjiang said: “There doesn’t seem to be any special arrangements. What’s wrong?”

Ye Chen said: “My grandpa and two uncles have returned to Jinling. If you are okay tonight, I would like to invite you to have a dinner at my grandpa’s house. They have signed many investment contracts this time and have chosen a lot. I would like to ask you to analyze the investment target.”

He Yuanjiang said hurriedly: “Your grandpa and your uncles jointly run a large group with more than one trillion US dollars. I am just a professor teaching in the university. They are the real practitioners of economics. I am just a paper talker.” Kuo, how dare you do anything in front of them…”

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