The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6576

“The most advanced AI model?!”

When He Yuanjiang heard these words, his brain exploded in an instant!

He has been on Wall Street for many years. While working in an investment bank, he invested in a large number of innovative technology companies and helped many technology companies get listed on the Nasdaq. Therefore, he has a very keen sense of high-tech developments around the world.

The popularity of AI was unprecedented some time ago. Although he had left the venture capital circle for a long time at that time, he still paid close attention to AI while teaching at Jinling.

He knew very well what kind of application prospects the real AI model had, but he never expected that Ye Chen actually had the AI ​​model that all Chinese Internet companies were looking forward to!

He asked Ye Chen excitedly: “Ye Chen, can Rothschild help you solve all the problems of software and hardware? Nowadays, high computing power graphics cards are hard to find. Many domestic companies are trying to find ways to map the world one by one. Buy it, the demand for this hardware is huge! ”

Ye Chen smiled and said: “I don’t need to worry about any of this. The Rothschild family will help me solve all the software and hardware problems, and they even came forward to buy the data center from Microsoft. It is estimated that there will be half of it.” It will be officially operational in a few months.”

“Oh my God!” He Yuanjiang exclaimed: “This is really a big surprise. If it can be applied to cars, there will definitely be a lot of room for development!”

As he spoke, he asked Ye Chen: “Are you sure that the Rothschild family can obtain authorization for the application of this AI in the automotive field?”

Ye Chen said: “The problem is not big, I can solve it. To say the least, if they don’t want to grant authorization, you can still mediate with them. At worst, we can use it ourselves without using their name, but we still have to congratulate our uncle. Let’s analyze how much practical application value AI has in the automotive field.”

He Yuanjiang said: “I personally feel that the application value of AI in the automotive field is very high, especially in terms of AI assistants, intelligent assisted driving and dynamic adjustment of car status;”

“AI assistants can be understood as being like today’s voice assistants, but a voice assistant costs tens of dollars to buy a small smart speaker to achieve basic functions, but it is still far from becoming an AI assistant. The voice assistant requires you to speak. It gives orders, and the AI ​​assistant may not need you to speak. By analyzing your driving habits, based on the time you go out, the style of clothing, and the number of people riding in the car, it can determine where you might go and what you are going to do, and directly provide you with instructions. You adjust the appropriate temperature, seating, and route planning and navigation;”

“It can also analyze your expression, breathing, and heart rate to analyze your general mood, what kind of music, air conditioning, and driving mode you need. It can even chat with you and talk to you about your professional fields. If you are a business elite, then your AI assistant will take the initiative to chat with you about the latest business news every day while you are driving, and can also give you its own unique insights. It can discuss with you, help you learn, Analyze for you and even debate with you;”

“In addition, if AI is involved in the training of smart driving, and AI analyzes big road data, it will definitely make smart driving more intelligent, smarter and safer. The smart driving on the market , relying on either millimeter wave and lidar, or pure vision, each has very obvious advantages and disadvantages, but the intelligent driving system based on AI will definitely be better than other solutions;”

“Moreover, AI’s greater ability is to conduct detailed analysis of our big data through its strong autonomous consciousness and huge computing power;”

“Once the sales of cars continue to grow, every car owner driving on the road every day will provide precious big data for the intelligent driving database. With the support of AI, this kind of big data has great room for imagination;”

“If I drive past a certain location on a certain highway and the vehicle experiences an obvious bump, after the sensor captures the abnormality in shock absorption, it will immediately upload the sensor data and the road picture taken at that time to the cloud in real time. processing center, and the AI ​​model of the processing center can determine in a very short time that there is some damage to the road surface at this location. It can immediately mark the problem on the high-precision map used by the vehicle and send it to the real-time For vehicles located nearby, when other car owners drive close to this location, the vehicle’s computer will be able to send out a reminder to inform the other party that there are large undulations on the road ahead, and how much it is recommended to slow down to pass safely.”

“If it were smarter, our vehicle computer might make a direct judgment when my car approaches an abnormal road surface, remind me to slow down, and at the same time upload the situation to the cloud to remind all vehicles passing here to slow down; ”

“If I drive through a highway section and the left lane of this highway section is closed for maintenance, my vehicle will upload the situation as soon as possible while avoiding it. After a few seconds, it will report the situation to the rear. vehicle;”

“If the maintenance is completed a few hours later and another of our vehicles passes by, the AI ​​will find that the road has been unblocked when comparing the cloud information and the real-time road information, and will immediately upload it to the cloud so that the following vehicles will not You will receive reminders about road maintenance;”

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