The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6591

The purpose of Jimmy’s visit to China this time is to claim part of the equity of Smith Law Firm.

It would be best to force Paul and his wife to split the firm in two, giving him all the North American business, while leaving the Asian business to Paul himself.

In his opinion, Paul and his mother, Han Meiqing, would be settling in China anyway, and he couldn’t keep the North American business in his hands, so it was considered a return to its original owner.

Of course, he also knew very well that although the Smith Law Firm bears the name of the Smith family, it was indeed built bit by bit by Han Meiqing and his brother. The old man naturally provided some help, but regardless of the From an emotional or legal perspective, it is far from enough to qualify as an investment. If he really sued to split up part of the equity of Smith Law Firm, it would be impossible for judges around the world to support it.

So after he learned that Han Meiqing was getting married, he thought that he might as well come to China to cause trouble while Han Meiqing was getting married. If he could force the orphan and widower to lose money and eliminate the disaster, that would be great. , anyway, they are orphans and widowers, so it is useless to ask for so much money.

Han Meiqing naturally knew his intentions. In fact, she chose to bring Paul to China after her husband passed away. The fundamental reason was because after her husband passed away, the Smith family always thought about their law firm.

The Smith family doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with their mentality of being left behind. They feel that it is their family’s property. Now that their eldest brother has passed away, they can’t just be taken away by a woman with a foreign surname or even a foreign race.

More importantly, although Paul is a descendant of the Smith family, he chooses to stand with his mother. Naturally, he is not willing to let his parents’ hard-earned foundation be divided up by several uncles, so he resolutely chooses to start a family with his mother. The United States moved to China and even moved its law firms from the United States.

Paul didn’t tell anyone in the Smith family that his mother was getting married, but somehow the news leaked out, and as a result, his uncle Jimmy flew over.

Han Meiqing saw that he was making trouble for a while, and finally the topic fell on the equity of Smith Law Firm, so she said with a cold expression: “Since you have never said anything about the equity of Smith Law Firm, then I will break up with you.” Talk about it;”

At this point, Han Meiqing cleared her throat and continued: “Smith Law Firm was established by my late husband and I over decades of hard work. The equity structure is also very simple;”

“We each held 50% of the shares at first. Later, as the law firm grew bigger and bigger, many lawyers joined in, so we took out a total of 30% of the shares to encourage those who made great contributions and were promoted to partners in the firm. Excellent lawyer;”

“Now that 30% of the equity is in the firm’s option pool. In addition to that 30%, my late father and I each hold 35% of the remaining 70%;”

“According to his lifetime will, after his death, half of his equity will be shared by me and my son Paul, so the current equity structure of Smith Law Firm is: 30% of the option pool, I hold 52.5% of the shares, and Paul holds 52.5% of the shares. 17.5%. Throughout our development, we have not received any investment from any investment banking institution, fund or individual;”

“So, not a single bit of equity in this belongs to the so-called Smith family, so how to dispose of these shares has nothing to do with you or the so-called Smith family.”

Jimmy didn’t expect Han Meiqing to explain the matter in such detail. He felt a little embarrassed on his face and immediately said loudly: “Sister-in-law, you are so heartless to say that. When you and my eldest brother started a business, my father gave you One million U.S. dollars was originally agreed to be a shareholding of the family. In order not to affect your decision-making power to start a business, this one million U.S. dollars only accounts for 49% of the equity of Smith Law Firm. You can’t deny this, right? ”

When Han Meiqing heard this, she immediately became angry and scolded in a cold voice: “Jimmy, you are talking nonsense! Your eldest brother borrowed the one million US dollars from your father, and the loan period was agreed to be three years. But it only took your eldest brother a year to return the money to your father. I was afraid that this incident would arouse mutual suspicion among you brothers, so I specifically asked your eldest brother to return one million in cash in front of you. If you gave it to your father, why would the one million become an investment? ”

Jimmy immediately said: “Sister-in-law, you said that my eldest brother repaid the one million, do you have any evidence? Our whole family can testify that this money has never been returned at all!”

Han Meiqing sneered: “You’re starting to act rogue, aren’t you? Your elder brother didn’t leave a loan agreement when he took the one million, and he didn’t leave a repayment agreement when he paid it back. He just thought that we are all a family, in front of you. If I borrow it and return it in front of you, I can naturally prove my innocence. I didn’t expect you to be so mean!”

Jimmy said seriously: “Sister-in-law, let’s discuss the matter. I hope you won’t escalate to a personal attack. I won’t say much else. The one million has not been returned. Everyone in the Smith family can testify. If you want to deny it, we can go to court.

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