The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6627

Therefore, everyone looked at Jimmy, fearing that Jimmy would not stand with everyone at this time.

Jimmy naturally understood what Nate meant. If he hadn’t been manipulated by Ye Chen, he would have firmly grasped the opportunity to get rid of the risk, and there would be no way he would advance or retreat with this group of people.

But the situation is different now. Nate still doesn’t know what his true purpose is. He wants to leave ten people here to accompany him to work for Ye Chen, and Nate has to pay the salary. At this time, it is time to find a way to establish This is a good opportunity to build your personal image, and you must seize it.

So, he looked at Knight and said coldly: “When you dug a trap for us, you already acquiesced that we workers are the same group. Now you want me to pick myself out of it. I Where should I put myself?”

Knight quickly said: “You are now a member of the board of directors! You are fundamentally different from them!”

Jimmy shook his head and said: “I did not accept your option shares, so strictly speaking, I am not a member of your board of directors.”

After that, Jimmy looked at everyone and said loudly: “I want to advance and retreat with everyone on this matter!”

As soon as Jimmy said this, everyone immediately cheered and clapped.

Before today, everyone was actually quite annoyed with Jimmy. He had many shortcomings. The coexistence of stinginess and greed was the most objectionable. Even if you were a colleague with him, it would be very difficult to accept because he would take care of countless small details. Take advantage of others and treat others as fools.

But at this moment, he burst out with a brilliance of humanity that theoretically did not belong to him at all. He was able to be so broad-minded and responsible on such a big issue, and all the resentment and dissatisfaction everyone had with him disappeared in this moment.

Jimmy also didn’t expect that he would feel so happy after being able to act as a righteous person in a rare situation.

When Steve saw that he had installed it, he couldn’t help but ask Marven in a low voice: “Mr. Ye, Jimmy and Nate are so tit-for-tat, how will it end later?”

Ye Chen smiled and said: “You will be the one to end it later. You see, Jimmy has now begun to pave the way for his own future. He knows that he will stay in China all year round and will be with ten colleagues. Naturally, he wants to Becoming the leader of these ten people, doing this now is to establish some prestige for yourself.”

Saying that, Ye Chen added: “But he is just bluffing now. If you don’t endorse him, Nate will not take him seriously. But if you endorse him, it will be different. Nate will never dare to make a mistake with him.” ”

Steve nodded and asked Marven: “Then I will directly support him and settle this matter immediately?”

Ye Chen smiled and said: “Don’t be so blunt. After all, you are in our country of China, and everything must be balanced by a balance of yin and yang;”

Steve asked in surprise: “Yin and Yang harmonize?”

“Yes!” Ye Chen said: “Sometimes, two opposites are not like fire and water, and one party insists on destroying the other. For us, more often, the two opposites are more like ice water and hot water. If the collision between them is handled well, the two will merge into warm water, which will be more comfortable to drink;”

“We Chinese people usually leave some leeway for everyone as long as we don’t completely break up with each other. So in this situation, I think you are more suitable to be a peacemaker. Let them continue to be at war with each other first. When the time is right, you can take action. Your status will give both parties a step up. Of course, this step will allow Knight to gain some face and lose some money. For others, it will mean losing some face and gaining some benefits. On the one hand, it will ensure that Knight will not use them. ”

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