The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6633

Knight and his party did not stay in Aurous Hill for long.

After all, all the serious business was settled on the first day, so a group of people put aside their previous differences and had a brief three-day trip to Jinling.

On the last day of the three-day trip, Steve booked the entire Tianxiang Mansion and hosted a banquet for these top lawyers from the United States.

During this meal, Steve put down his attitude as the heir of the Rothschild family, and lost the aristocratic temperament that the family had cultivated in him for decades. Instead, he put on a worldly atmosphere that was very characteristic of Jinling. Lingering in front of various tables and exchanging cups with the younger brothers, every younger brother was flattered and respected him greatly, making him look like a respected big brother on the road.

Since Steve was also a distinguished guest, Hong Wu put down what he was doing and came to Tianxiang Mansion to serve in person, but he saw a bit of himself in this young Rothschild.

After all, Steve has been in Jinling for some time. He has been exposed to Ye Chen’s style of doing things, and has also visited several of Hong Wu’s properties in Jinling. He has understood the local customs and style to a certain extent, and now he can be regarded as doing as the locals do.

Although Steve kindly invited Marven to attend the dinner, Marven declined in the end. It was not that he had any objections to Steve, but mainly because he was not too fond of Jimmy’s group of lawyers. These people will also be used by Han Meiqing in the future. , so he doesn’t want to have too much contact.

The day after the dinner, Knight flew back to the United States with a group of people. Two weeks later, Jimmy will return to Jinling with the ten selected senior partners to report to Han Meiqing.

Helena also reported the progress of the AI ​​model to Ye Chen. According to the estimates of the engineering staff, the AI ​​model will be officially put into production in about half a month.

In the following days, Ye Chen was rarely relaxed, but this kind of day only lasted for two days, because his mother-in-law Ma Lan told him on the phone that the old couple had booked flights and were preparing to return to Jinling from Dubai.

Originally, the two planned to stay in the United Arab Emirates for a few more days, but Ma Lan couldn’t stand Xiao Changkun’s listlessness and sighing every day. After playing for a few days, he finally couldn’t help but want to go home.

It’s no wonder that Xiao Changkun sighed every day. He set up a trap for Zhou Liangyun with the fake antiques. He lost money and was embarrassed. He even lost his job. Whoever it was, he probably wouldn’t be in the mood to travel and have fun.

Ma Lan and Xiao Changkun took a plane back to Jinling, and Ye Chen picked them up at the airport.

Because the plane landed at three o’clock in the afternoon, Xiao Churan happened to have an appointment with the Emgrand Group to discuss the progress of the previous project, so Ye Chen could only be picked up by himself.

As soon as they met, Marven asked them with a smile: “Mom and dad, how was your time in Dubai this time?”

Xiao Changkun was helpless and said with a forced smile: “It’s not bad, that’s all.”

Ma Lan on the side said with some dissatisfaction: “My dear son-in-law, you don’t know, I am annoying your dad to death. He sighs all day long. I can hear him sighing in the toilet even when he is defecating. It’s really disappointing.”

Xiao Changkun said with an aggrieved look: “I don’t want to spoil the fun. The key is that I really can’t be happy!”

After saying that, Xiao Changkun quickly looked at Ye Chen and begged: “Good son-in-law, you have a good relationship with Mr. Hong Wu. Can you help me talk to Mr. Hong Wu again and see if he can give some advice to the person named Pei? Are you under pressure? That old grandson was always polite to me, but when Mr. Hong stopped talking to me, he turned around and sold me out!”

Ye Chen nodded: “I heard about the matter. The person named Pei is indeed a bit unkind.”

One reply on “Chapter: 6633”

chinese justice is poor one eyed. Charlie mother is law destroyed Hooriah career when she had nothing related. His father in law is also bad. But his mother is law is like a black spot. Still he bribes and keeps them happy. This shows chinese are one eyed and selfish. they distort reality to satisfy themselves. Look how they capture and torture tibetans and the muslims.

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