The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6656

At this moment, An Qishan stared at Ye Chen and said with a loving tone: “Chen’er, for the An family, avenging your parents is not the most important thing for the An family and the Ye family. For us, The most important thing for both families is that you must live in peace, so you must remember that revenge is important, but it must be under the premise of ensuring your own safety. If you need to risk your life, grandpa would rather not Take revenge.”

With that said, An Qishan added: “Chen’er, you are the only bloodline left by your parents. Your mother is the best among all my children. Your father must be the same in the eyes of your grandfather, so you have His bloodline is the best bloodline for the An family and the Ye family. No matter what, there must be no accidents with this bloodline, otherwise it will be an immeasurable loss to our two families!”

Ye Zhongquan couldn’t help but agree and said: “Chen’er, your grandfather is right, revenge is not the most important thing, living well is.”

Ye Chen understood what the two old men meant, but for him, since he was eight years old, revenge for his parents has been the ultimate goal of life. He has been forbearing for so many years in order to one day be able to kill his enemies. If he gave up just because of danger, , he will definitely not forgive himself in his heart.

However, in front of the old man, it was naturally impossible for him to express his intention to fight Wu Feiyan to the death, so he followed their words and said, “Grandpa, grandpa, don’t worry, I will be absolutely cautious.”

The grandmother on the side couldn’t help but said: “Chen’er, you heard what your grandfather just said. The blood in your body is the only inheritance from your parents. You are not young anymore, so you have to seize the time to pass on your blood. !”

After that, the old man asked again: “Chen’er, when do you and that girl from the Xiao family plan to have a child?”

Ye Chen touched his nose awkwardly and said tactfully: “Grandma, we… don’t have any plans yet.”

“How can this be done…” Grandma said anxiously: “You are almost thirty years old. Even if you want a child now, by the time the child is born, I am afraid you will already be thirty years old. It will be too late. Why don’t you hurry up and make plans?”

Naturally, Ye Chen couldn’t tell his grandmother that his marriage to Xiao Churan was originally just an arranged marriage for the old man of the Xiao family. Xiao Churan only got married to him out of filial piety, but the two have always treated each other as guests after the marriage. , the relationship between the two is not like lovers, but more like family members.

As for when to have children, that’s not up to you at all.

What’s more, Ye Chen really has no plans to have children now.

Wu Feiyan’s strength is far superior to hers, and the reason why she is not in much danger now is entirely because she is in the dark. Once she is exposed in the future, her life will be in great danger. In this case, why are you talking about having a child?

What’s more, the current Po Qing Society has entered the dormant period, and it seems to be calm, but Ye Chen knows very well that the Po Qing Society has entered the dormant period, which is actually a troublesome thing for him.

During the hibernation period, all members of the Qingqing Association remained silent, and it was difficult for Ye Chen to find any clues related to it. The airline registered in Singapore that he found earlier has also been completely suspended, and all aircraft have entered a state of grounding and preparation. As long as the other party Until the hibernation is released, it is impossible to capture its trajectory.

Originally, it was an active situation in which the enemy was overt and we were covert, but now it has become a reciprocal situation in which we are covert and the enemy is covert. In this way, Ye Chen has no advantage.

Moreover, according to Ye Chen and Lin Wan’er’s inference, Wu Feiyan does not have the Hundred Turns and Thousands of Returns Pill, and her lifespan is less than a hundred years. From now on, her character will definitely become more and more impatient, in case she loses her mind one day and takes action herself. Regarding my grandfather’s family, even if I fight to my death, I may not be able to save anyone in the An family, or even myself.

Therefore, not to mention that his marriage to Xiao Churan was not normal. Even if it was a normal marriage, he did not dare to have children at this time. If one day he was exposed, his child would probably be his next one. .

So, he said to his grandmother: “Grandma, it is not a good time to have a child recently. The AI ​​model built for me by the Rothschild family will soon be put into use. At that time, I will take the initiative and Together with Detective Li, we are trying to find ways to use AI to find the locations of the Qing Society around the world. The AI ​​model has powerful computing power and can acquire information on a global scale, and then analyze and calculate that information. Once it can be found from the massive amount of information Once the Qinghui is stationed, I will find a way to get rid of it. Then I may have to travel around the world. At this time, how can I think about having children. ”

Except for the white lie that he didn’t have time to think about having children, Ye Chen’s words were basically the actual situation.

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