The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6666

At this moment, Ye Chen and Xiao Churan met at the entrance of Buckingham Palace Hotel.

Her media friend is a reporter from a newspaper in Jinling and her middle school classmate.

Although this newspaper can have four staff members entering the press conference, the newspaper is on the verge of bankruptcy and cannot send extra reporters if they want, so she It was convenient to give the quota to Xiao Churan.

When Ye Chen saw Xiao Churan, her journalist classmate was standing next to her.

Seeing Ye Chen coming, he smiled and asked Xiao Churan: “Chu Ran, is this your husband?”

Xiao Churan nodded and introduced her: “Ning Ning, let me introduce you, this is my husband Ye Chen.”

After that, he said to Ye Chen: “Husband, this is Chen Yining, Ningning, my high school classmate, now works at Jinling Morning News, and is the chief reporter of Morning News.”

Chen Yining waved his hands repeatedly and laughed at himself: “Stop laughing at me, Churan, what are you talking about as a chief reporter? Our newspaper now only has two full-time reporters, both of whom are chiefs.

There is no second place if you want.

Maybe one day we will stop publishing and we won’t even be the chief reporter.” ”

Xiao Churan asked in surprise: “Is your morning newspaper so ineffective?”

“It’s more than bad.” Chen Yining said: “No one reads the newspaper now, and our circulation in Jinling is relatively small.

After no one reads the newspaper, our circulation will be even worse. People with larger newspapers Newspapers can also cooperate with government agencies, railways, civil aviation, and long-distance passenger transport. If there is a fixed purchase, the circulation must be guaranteed. If there is circulation, there will be advertising revenue. This is not possible for our kind. No one invests in advertising and the income is low. It’s very small. If it continues like this, it will definitely cease publication in less than a year.”

Xiao Churan comforted him: “It’s okay. Print media is in a recession, so just switch to new media. I see that many former traditional media reporters and hosts have set up self-media accounts on short video platforms. It is said that they Once the number of followers increases, the income will be considerable.”

Chen Yining smiled and said: “We really want to go together, but I am still employed and cannot register an account in the self-media because the company has regulations that the ownership of the self-media account operated during the period of employment belongs to the company. We will wait until I leave the company.” Bar.”

Xiao Churan reminded: “Then you can use your spare time now to plan the content direction of the short video. It would be better if you could write some scripts and save them. You can start immediately after you leave your job.”

Chen Yining said in surprise: “Churan, why do you know so much about short videos? If we have a chance, let’s have a chat. Please give me more advice.”

Xiao Churan said modestly: “I just heard some superficial talk from others and have no practical experience.”

Chen Yining smiled and said: “I will go back to the stage to write a manuscript after the press conference. If you have nothing to do in the evening, I will treat you and your husband to dinner. We will talk in detail then.”

Xiao Churan said: “We should treat you to dinner. After all, I want to thank you for helping us see the world today.”

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