The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6687

Within a dozen hours, Jenny Hogwitz could not wait to deliver 1 billion US dollars of cryptocurrency to the hands of Wanlong Palace.

To say that she couldn’t wait was not an injustice to her at all.

She had handled payments from many families in her life, and she had never given money so freely as she did today.

This was mainly because the promise Howard gave her had an effect.

Facing the reporters who were following suit and taking photos of their faces from multiple cameras, Jenny felt excited and excited.

She seemed to have seen that she had become the most admired and admired person in the United States.

Beloved wife and mother.

Howard did fulfill his promise and fully demonstrated the Rothschild family’s mastery of manipulating public opinion.

The moment Jenny delivered the billion-dollar cryptocurrency, several major media outlets in the United States conducted intensive and detailed reports on this extremely huge kidnapping case.

As soon as the news was broadcast, it caused a huge sensation in the United States.

At first, people were shocked by the seriousness of the kidnapping case, but the American media quickly focused on Jenny, so people were even more shocked by Jenny.

Strong old woman.

For a time, the story of Jenny’s rescue of her husband and son became popular throughout the United States.

Jenny’s calmness, tenacity and courage to do whatever it takes for her family when facing the camera have indeed won widespread praise from the American people.

When Ye Chen received the news that one billion US dollars had arrived, he was on the way to Tianxiang Mansion.

Steve Rothschild held a banquet at Tianxiang Mansion and wanted to treat him to a meal before leaving, so Ye Chen drove Go to the antique street and call Zhou Liangyun who is looking at the store together.

Inviting Zhou Liangyun to attend Steve’s dinner party was nothing more than taking the opportunity to push Steve further.

Ye Chen had a thorough understanding of the general character of the Rothschild family, and he could sum it up in a few points: they are all selfish, and they are all selfish. They are ruthless and lack the true spirit of contract:

The first and most important point is that the spirit of contract is not strong and there are extreme double standards.

Generally speaking, if the contract is beneficial to them, their contractual spirit will be extremely strong. Even if the other party is already impoverished, or even about to be buried, the money owed to them will not even include the interest. few;

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