The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6693

After a meal, Steve reluctantly said goodbye to Ye Chen and embarked on his way back to the United States.

Ye Chen transported Zhou Liang back to the antique street, and then ordered Hong Wu to place a secret sentry in the antique street to keep an eye on Zhou Liangyun’s Zhen Baoxuan to prevent anyone from causing trouble for him.

Afterwards, Ye Chen called Helena and confirmed with her the time to go to Northern Europe.

On the phone, Helena told Ye Chen that according to the AI ​​team’s estimates, the entire model will be officially put into full operation testing tomorrow morning.

Since the entire model is copied from their Silicon Valley model, the running test will not be delayed too much.

It takes a long time, about two days to sort out all the details, and three days later it can be officially delivered.

As Party A, Helena will personally participate in this closed delivery ceremony three days later.

Howard will also secretly go to the site as a representative of Party B.

Helena knew that Ye Chen would definitely come to Northern Europe in person, so after reporting the specific schedule, she couldn’t help but ask Ye Chen on the phone: “Mr. Ye, do you want to attend the delivery ceremony in person?”

Ye Chen smiled and said: “I will not participate in the delivery ceremony. You and Howard will meet each other. From now on, the two Rothschilds and the two sons will each meet one of us. You will meet Howard and I will meet Steve.”

After saying that, Ye Chen added: “But I will bring Howard’s elixir in advance. If there are no other arrangements, I can also sneak into the receiving party’s technical team to witness it on the spot.”

Helena asked hurriedly: “Mr. Ye, when will your technical team arrive?”

Ye Chen replied: “A friend and I set out from Jinling the day after tomorrow. The friend traveling with us has a special status and needs your help to greet the customs when entering the country. The technical team will come from the United States and I will follow them at the airport. Nordic Rendezvous.”

Helena said with a bit of excitement: “Okay Mr. Ye, I will make arrangements in advance and meet Mr. Ye at the airport in advance!”

Ye Chen smiled and said, “You have a sensitive status now, so don’t go to places like the airport casually. Just arrange for an internal vehicle from the royal family to pick us up from the airport.”

Helena said respectfully: “Okay Mr. Ye, everything will follow your instructions.”

Lin Waner has the help of her adopted descendant Zhidong, so she can leave the country without leaving any records. Ye Chen really didn’t have this ability before, but now he can be regarded as taking advantage of Lin Waner.

As long as Helena asks Nordic Customs to exempt the two of them from the normal entry process, they will not leave any official records when they go to Northern Europe this time.

In addition to leaving no entry and exit records, Ye Chen also plans to stay in Northern Europe for a few more days this time, because once the AI ​​model is launched, it will begin to analyze the locations of Poqinghui from companies around the world. If it can If the results come out soon, I will probably directly follow the clues of the AI ​​analysis, and I will probably not be able to come back in a short time.

Therefore, for his family, on the one hand, Ye Chen did not want them to know that he was going abroad this time, and on the other hand, he also wanted to give them a vaccination. It might take a long time for him to leave this time.

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