The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6697

At this time, an Airbus A350 registered in France has been parked here at Jinling Airport for two days.

This plane was arranged for Ye Chen by Steve Rothschild, who had returned to the United States. The plane belonged to a general aviation company in Paris that specialized in charter flights and had no direct connection with the Rothschild family.

When the plane arrived in Jinling, Chen Zekai directly arranged for a special person to conduct a systematic inspection of the plane and confirmed that there were no safety hazards or eavesdropping devices before applying for today’s route to Northern Europe, and the crew members were also replaced by Ye Home your own for added security.

Because Sun Zhidong had already made arrangements, Ye Chen and Lin Wan’er bypassed customs and boarded the plane directly from the remote seat.

A350 is the largest twin-engine passenger aircraft with a huge cabin area. After the aircraft was renovated, two-thirds of the cabin area was directly converted into a private space for passengers. Here, not only are there multiple bedrooms, but also The conference room and living room are more than enough for two people.

After the two boarded the plane, they came to the living room located in the middle of the plane. After taking their seats here, the plane began to roll out and took off towards Northern Europe.

Lin Wan’er was extremely excited to be able to return to Northern Europe again. She and Ye Chen were the only two people left in the closed cabin with a high level of confidentiality, so Ye Chen asked her: “Ms. Lin seems to be looking forward to going to Northern Europe?”

“Yes!” Lin Wan’er couldn’t hide her excitement and said to Ye Chen: “To be honest with you, Northern Europe has been the Nu family’s favorite place in recent years. If Wu Feiyan hadn’t discovered it, the Nu family even planned to live there until 2050.”

Ye Chen asked her curiously: “What attracts Miss Lin in Northern Europe?”

Lin Wan’er said: “Northern Europe is vast and sparsely populated. Its area is fifty times that of Jinling, but its population is only half that of Jinling. As long as you avoid Osu City, there will basically not be many people. It is especially suitable for seclusion, and the natural environment there is Very good, not too much over development. ”

Speaking of this, Lin Waner added: “By the way, the most important thing is that the climate there is so comfortable. Although it is located in northern Europe, but relying on the warm current of the Atlantic Ocean, the temperature there is much higher than that in northern China, and the coldest winter is also It’s only ten degrees below zero, and the highest temperature in summer is only over 20 degrees. It never feels hot, unlike Jinling, where the hottest temperature in summer is nearly 40 degrees, like a big steamer.”

Ye Chen asked her with a smile: “Is Miss Lin afraid of the heat?”

“Yes.” Lin Wan’er nodded and said shyly: “The Nu family is from southern Yunnan. The climate is spring-like all year round, so they are not used to particularly hot places for so many years. However, southern Yunnan is full of mountains. If you live there for a long time, you will be able to I find it boring. Relatively speaking, the geographical environment of Northern Europe is more diverse, with mountains, seas, islands and few people. At present, it seems that it is the most suitable place for the slave family to live. ”

Ye Chen nodded and smiled: “When we get to Northern Europe, I will ask Helena to help, and the royal family will come forward to buy a farm in Northern Europe. If you like it, you can come over at any time.”

For Lin Wan’er, who had saved his life and shared each other’s biggest secret with him, Ye Chen could say that there was nothing he could not bear to part with. Whatever she wanted, Ye Chen would try his best to satisfy her.

Lin Wan’er also knew that Ye Chen felt sorry for her, she nodded slightly and said softly: “Then the slave family will thank the master first! After the master resolves the resolution meeting, the slave family will come to Northern Europe to visit from time to time.”

After saying that, Lin Wan’er added: “The Nu family has always wanted to raise a few Juanshan cattle, and they will be able to do so when the time comes. This kind of cattle is originally produced in Europe, and the climate in Northern Europe is still very suitable.”

Ye Chen smiled and said: “If you want to raise a few cows in Northern Europe, why wait until the Poqing Hui is wiped out? If you are willing to raise them, but you are afraid of the heat, then I will let Helena buy them now. You can come to Northern Europe next summer to escape the heat.”

Lin Wan’er suddenly looked at Ye Chen expectantly and asked him: “If the Nu family comes to Northern Europe to escape the summer next summer, will the young master come then?”

Ye Chen said: “Save me a room in the farm. I’ll stay there for two days if I have nothing to do.”

Saying that, Ye Chen added: “After the AI ​​model is launched, I should have more frequent opportunities to come to Northern Europe. The AI ​​model is not only a secret weapon against the Qinghui, but also the killer of Changying Auto’s future vehicle systems and intelligent driving.” “Hey, the importance is self-evident, so I have plans to prepare a base in Northern Europe and transfer some people from Wanlong Palace to secretly protect the data center, just in case, and it will be safer for you to come to Northern Europe.”

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