The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6704

As he spoke, the LED light next to the camera facing him suddenly began to flash various colors at an extremely fast speed. Hank added: “The facial recognition system will also perform biological survival verification. It can not only detect subtle changes in the pupils. , it can also use infrared to detect the body outline of the verifier and verify whether it is the same body as the palm print. It can also randomly flash 40 different colors in one second. The camera will simultaneously capture the color reflected on the verifier’s face to ensure consistency. , thereby preventing hackers from hacking the camera and deceiving it in other ways, and our camera can construct a 3D outline of the human face through the reflection of different parts of the human face to ensure that the person in front of you is a real person and not a simulated mask or simulated model. , relying on its own powerful computing power, it can subdivide my face into tens of millions of details for intelligent comparison. Even if there is a person who looks 99% similar to me, it is impossible to fool it. ”

After the system went through a series of certification judgments, it finally sounded a prompt: “Verification successful, welcome to GPT, I will be at your service at any time.”

Hank turned around, looked at Helena, and said respectfully: “Her Majesty the Queen can now give orders to the AI. The big screen in the center is her presentation terminal. She will present the results you need here to you.”

Helena asked him, “What can I ask her?”

“Everything.” Hank said: “She can answer any question for you. If there is an authoritative answer to your question in her database, she will tell you the answer directly. If there is no authoritative answer in her database, she will She will think of an answer she thinks is correct based on her own calculation power and give it back to you. She will also explain to you that the answer is her subjective judgment and it is up to you to decide whether to adopt it.”

After saying that, Hank added: “But Her Majesty the Queen, I personally suggest that you don’t just ask her questions. This is too simple for her. Her real ability is the retrieval of massive information and the processing of massive calculations. Before that, you should I have also learned that our new version already supports AI-generated videos, but that kind of video is also produced when the computing power is relatively scattered. You have 100% of the computing power of this system, and you can give it more demanding requirements. needs.”

Helena thought for a while and said, “I want her to retrieve all the surveillance videos from the time I came in to now, and then erase me from the videos without a trace.”

Hank nodded, pressed the dialogue button, and said, “Please erase the image of Queen Iliad from all surveillance videos from the time she entered the house to now.”

The system’s prompt tone said: “The facial features of Queen Iliad have been compared in the surveillance video and are being processed.”

Almost at the same time, the cabinets around everyone suddenly made an extremely sharp whistling sound. It was the high-speed whistling sound caused by the cooling fan running at full strength for a moment, just like the sound when the engine is turned to maximum thrust when an airplane takes off!

What’s even more incredible is that almost at this moment, the temperature of the entire hangar rose instantly. Every opportunity was like a huge electric heater, generating a large amount of heat energy in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the cooling system of the entire computer room was started, and the noise became louder.

This whistling heat dissipation sound lasted for about three minutes, and then the system prompted: “The task is completed! From the time Queen Iliad entered the door to the present, a total of thirty-six surveillance cameras captured it, and a total of 367 minutes and 12 seconds occurred. Video files, with a total of 528,768 frames of images, including a total of 343,658 frames of images containing his image, have been fully processed, and the 36 videos after processing have been pushed And sorted by the duration of the Queen’s appearance in the Iliad from longest to shortest.”

After saying that, a 6X6 zoom screen immediately appeared on the huge screen. Each screen represented a video. The first one was the surveillance probe facing the entrance from the main console.

The system said that in order of the duration of Helena’s appearance, this camera happened to capture Helena throughout the whole process without losing a single frame.

Hank immediately said: “Play the first video.”

The system responded: “Okay, start playing the first video.”

Then, the video automatically maximized, and everyone looked up at the huge ultra-clear screen. They saw a group of people coming in from the entrance, except for Helena, who was originally walking in the front.

And the scary thing is that the system not only completely erased her from the screen, but also relied on its own powerful computing power to perfectly fill in the blank screen after she was erased. The people behind her who were originally blocked by her have already blocked the part. It is completely automatically calculated and filled by AI, and because of its powerful computing power as the basis, this part is filled perfectly.

For example, in a certain frame, Ye Chen, who was wearing a mask, had his face blocked by Helena, and the camera only captured his body, but the AI ​​clearly determined his position in the crowd and locked his movement trajectory. , directly learned the appearance of Ye Chen wearing a mask from the scene where his face was not blocked, and then generated Ye Chen’s face wearing a mask based on the learned appearance, filling in the scene where Helena was erased.

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