The Amazing Son-in-Law [The Charismatic Charlie Wade]

Chapter: 6706

In the eyes of an old detective like Li Yalin, who has a strong sense of investigation, the strength of the AI ​​model is comparable to Sun Wukong’s golden cudgel and Poseidon’s trident. It is an absolute super artifact.

Many times, criminal investigation relies not on experience and technology, but on the ability to obtain and retrieve information.

Start tracking a suspect from city A. Once he leaves city A and the clues are artificially interrupted, trying to find him again is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, from an objective point of view, no matter how vast the ocean is, this needle still exists objectively and has the possibility of being found.

The difficulty is, who has the energy to conduct a carpet-like search of the entire ocean?

Now, AI already has this capability.

At the very least, the dedicated AI model in front of you already has this capability.

She has studied all the public content on the Internet, so theoretically she also knows every person in the world who has a name, surname, and image data on the Internet.

As long as you can provide her with enough video material and give her some time, she will be able to compare every face that appears in the video and find the person you are looking for.

From thousands of videos, you can recognize millions of faces, and then find a specific person from these millions of faces. If you rely on manual recognition, it may take at least Hundreds of people work for several days or even dozens of days in a row.

But for AI, it may only take dozens of minutes, or even a few minutes.

The more Li Yalin thought about it, the more excited he became. He pulled Ye Chen to a deserted place and whispered: “Mr. Ye, if you can find a way to hack the surveillance systems of major airports around the world and hand over the face of someone from the Clearing House to AI Study, as long as this person travels by plane, we will be able to know all his whereabouts immediately! ”

Ye Chen asked him: “Is it feasible to hack the airport surveillance?”

Li Yalin thought for a while and said: “It depends on the information protection capabilities of the country or the airport. It should be easy to hack into airport surveillance in small countries in the third world. It should not be so easy in developed countries, especially countries with developed Internet industries. ”

After saying that, Li Yalin added: “But I think it’s not impossible.”

Ye Chen asked him: “Does Inspector Li have any good ideas?”

Li Yalin said: “Russian hackers have always been very strong. We can try to find them to hack surveillance cameras everywhere. If they can’t hack them, we can also collect them ourselves!”

“Collect it ourselves?” Ye Chen asked him: “You mean, we go to the airport to set up surveillance equipment ourselves, or arrange for people to go to the airport to take pictures?”

Li Yalin shook his head and lowered his voice and said: “Use UGC big data!”

Ye Chen was confused: “UGC? What does it mean?”

One reply on “Chapter: 6706”

Now I know why education is good, if only Yechen could have got good education, he would have done everything by himself, now he is asking what is UGC data!

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