The One & Only

Chapter: 1531

In the luxurious room, there is a Western-style coffin.

At this time, the coffin lid was opened, lining the candlelight of the mixed light in the room, making the room solemn and strange at the same time.

An old man wearing a black suit with sparse hair, saggy skin, and two eye bags drooping extremely severely, was sitting on a chair with a red wine glass in his hand.

There is half a cup of red liquid in the wine glass, and the smell of blood can be faintly smelled in the air.

Lena knocked on the door and led Max in from outside.

Lina said softly: “My ancestor, Max is here.”

Cain, who was so old, didn’t know if he heard Lena’s voice or was thinking about something, sitting there was completely unresponsive.

Lena turned her head and winked at Max.

Max hurriedly stepped forward, covered his chest with his left hand, bends down slightly, and said, “Dear ancestor, your subordinates are here to listen to your call.”

Cain woke up like a big dream, opened his eyes, lifted up the bags under the eyes that are two centimeters long, and slowly said: “Max, your plan has failed.”

Although Max’s strength was in front of Cain, it was as small as an ant.

But at this time, facing the reproach of the ancestor, he didn’t panic, and said in a deep voice: “Yes, something has happened.”

“My plan was just started, but Chen Ning and the people from the Holy See were instigated by it, which led to the plan’s abortion.”

“And I have also exposed myself. I have lost the power of a U.S. general and can no longer fit in the human society.”

Cain slowly said: “Among human beings, there is such a strong man as Chen Ning, which surprised me.”

“Your plan failed this time, what do you want to say.”

Max was slightly nervous when he heard this.

The reason why he was able to become the fourteenth prince of the blood clan was entirely because he had previously vowed to lead the blood clan to rise, lead the blood clan to subvert mankind and become the new master of the earth.

The ancestor Cain also fancyed him for his ambitiousness, so he reused him.

Now his plan has failed, and the ancestor will be held accountable in person.

If he can’t answer to the satisfaction of the Ancestor, or if there is no way to remedy the endgame, then it is estimated that he will be abandoned by the Ancestor immediately.


He is not an ordinary person after all, he has seen too many big winds and waves.

At this time, instead of panicking, he was extra calm, and his thoughts were much clearer than usual.

“Dear ancestors, my previous plan was to use my human identity to turn more national dignitaries into blood servants, and then allow them to provoke human wars.”

“After mankind is plunged into the deep and fierce war, our blood race is taking the opportunity to expand, and then subvert mankind in one fell swoop and become the new master of the earth.”

“This plan has just started to be implemented, and it failed because of Chen Ning’s intervention with the people of the Holy See.”

“However, I have another plan.”


Max said he had a backup plan.

Cain’s interest immediately aroused.

Cain, who was very old, had a glimmer of light in those dim old eyes for the first time. He stared at Max and said, “Let’s listen.”

Max said: “The original blood of our blood clan can turn healthy humans into blood servants, that is, the most common vampire.”

“The blood clan has not been able to grow up, because the original blood of the blood clan powerhouse is too little.”

“Every time the strong loses a drop of original blood, their strength will drop by one point, and it will take a long time to recover.”

“Therefore, the blood clan has always used a method to turn humans into blood servants on a large scale.”

Cain nodded: “That’s wrong, the original blood of every strong blood clan is limited, and no one wants to waste their precious original blood just because they develop a few more blood servants.”

Max said: “I intend to break through this shackle.”

Cain asked with interest: “How to break through?”

Max squinted his eyes and said loudly: “I plan to gather a group of humanity’s top scientists to study the original blood of the blood race and find a shortcut to quickly infect humans.”

“Thus quickly and effectively turning humans into vampires.”

Lina next to her heard the words and looked at Max with wide-eyed eyes, her expression very shocked.

Seeing that Cain didn’t speak, Max looked at him with old eyes.

He was a little nervous: “Master Ancestor, did I say something, or is there something wrong with my plan?”

Cain laughed: “Ho ho, I have to say, your thinking is different from our traditional kinsmen.”

“In our traditional kinship thinking, the kinship’s ability to reproduce and develop blood servants is limited.”

“It is impossible to develop a kinship team on a large scale. This idea is deeply ingrained in my mind.”

“But listening to your words now makes me seem to see a guiding light all of a sudden.”

Max smiled and said, “My ancestor thinks this plan is feasible.”

Cain said: “Although your plan is good, there are two problems.”

Max was taken aback: “What’s the problem?”

Cain said: “First of all, your identity is now exposed and you are no longer a general of the United States. How do you find a group of top human scientists to serve you, and do research that is harmful to humans?”

“Secondly, even if you find some scientists to work for you, can you eventually find a shortcut to quickly turn humans into vampires?”

Max smiled and said: “Find a scientist to study the original blood, the ancestors don’t have to worry.”

“Although my identity has been exposed, I can’t return to human society with publicity.”

“But my relatives, my people, and my family are still in human society.”

“And with my family’s contacts and financial resources, I have obtained a group of top human scientists, which shows that the experimental research institute is not a problem at all.”

Maxton paused and said again: “As for whether we can find a way to quickly turn humans into vampires in large quantities by studying the original blood of the strong blood family, it depends on the results of the scientists’ research.”

“But I am confident, I think they will find a way.”

Cain said with satisfaction: “Well, this matter is left to you. The hope of the rise of the blood race lies on your shoulders.”

Max rolled his eyes twice and said, “My ancestor, I am working for the blood clan now, but my clan has just been established, and now I have lost my power in the human country because of my identity.”

“As a result, I am now very manpowered, and the other princes are not willing to cooperate with me…”

When Cain heard Max, he knew what Max meant.

He immediately said: “You give my order. In the future, apart from the other thirteen princes of the blood clan, you can dispatch all the powerhouses of the other clans.”

Max was ecstatic: “Thank you ancestor.”

Cain said: “Don’t thank you with your lips, I value your achievements more.”

“Also, how did you talk about the alliance werewolf matters before?”

Max said: “Lysa, the wolf king, initially expressed interest in cooperation. I will meet with him again, and I will definitely persuade the werewolves to join us.”

Cain said in disgust: “If it were not for the rise of the blood race, I would never cooperate with these dog people.”

Max dare not say anything.

Cain said again: “I wake up this time, I can only wake up for three days, and then I will fall asleep again.”

“The blood dominance will flourish. If I don’t take the seat myself, I won’t rest assured.”

“So you tell the remaining thirteen princes to find the four great human spirits, bring them back, and hold a wake-up ceremony to wake me from my deep sleep.”

“At that time, I can no longer sleep for a long time, I can dominate the blood race, slaughter humans, and rise from then on.”


The ancestor, unwilling to sleep for a long time, asked the blood race to find the four great human spirits and use the four great human spirits as sacrifices to awaken him from the deep sleep.

The four great spirits.

It is said that human beings with four skin colors: black, white, brown and yellow on the earth will have a spirit among them.

As long as the four great human spirits are captured for memorials and ancient rituals, the sleeping ancestor Cain can be awakened for a long time.

Max resisted the shock and said loudly: “Yes, the subordinates will do it.”

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