The One & Only

Chapter: 1768 Part 2

to save face.

This is the source of his disagreement with Gula.

at this time.

The group of warriors who stopped the executives, Olaf, headed, knelt down on one knee towards Medill.

“God King!”

“General, he only made such a suggestion because he had concerns.”

“It’s not that he flinched!”

“He is by no means a life-threatening person.”

“God King, think about it, the general has been in the army for half his life and participated in several battles. In which battle did he not take the lead and make great achievements?”

“My subordinates boldly beg the King of God to give the general a chance to atone for his sins.”

The Protoss warriors at the scene also knelt down and pleaded for Gula: “I beg the King of God, and give the general a chance to redeem his sins.”

Medill’s face was gloomy.

Looking coldly at the subordinates in front of him, he also looked at Gula who was standing.


He also had to give in and said slowly: “For the sake of everyone’s plea for him, I will write down his death penalty first.”


“I can give him a chance to atone for his crimes. If he doesn’t cherish the opportunity, or he can’t complete the task I gave him.”

“That’s to settle accounts together. No one who pleads for mercy can save his life.”

Olaf heard the words, his face full of ecstasy: “Thank you God King!”

After he finished speaking, he quickly pulled Gula, who was standing, and said in a low voice, “General, kneel down and thank the King of God.”

The Protoss at the scene all looked at Gula.

Medill also looked at Gula coldly.

Gula actually still wants to insist on his suggestion to retire, but he also knows that if he still insists on his own opinion at this moment and insists on contradicting the king of gods, then the king of gods will definitely not tolerate him, even if his comrades intercede, it is estimated that he will not be able to save him. .

last resort.

He finally knelt down heavily and lowered his head: “Thank you God King for your kindness.”

Medill said with a blank expression: “Don’t be too busy to thank you. Whether you can keep your head depends on whether you can seize the opportunity.”

“This time I am determined to attack the Earth, kill Chen Ning, and avenge the Great Elder.”

“You are the vanguard general, first land on the earth, open the way for my Protoss, and cut off Chen Ning’s head.”

“If you can build a job and take off Chen Ning’s head, then your merits and demerits are worth it.”

“Are you willing to take orders?”

Gula gritted his teeth: “Subordinates obey!”

Medill nodded: “Very good.”

“You pick a group of fierce generals and land on the earth.”

“I’m waiting for your good news about killing Chen Ning.”

Medill said, glanced at Olaf in front of him, and said casually: “Olav has the courage to be inappropriate, general, take Olaf with you!”

This word is exported.

Gula’s face changed slightly, and he looked at Medill with complicated eyes.

Olaf said solemnly: “Yes, the subordinates are willing to follow the general to the earth to avenge the elder.”

Medill seemed a little tired.

He waved his hand: “Go!”

Gula and Olaf all retire and leave.

After exiting the bridge.

Gula said to Olaf with some guilt: “Brother, I’m sorry, I have troubled you too.”

Olaf smiled and said, “General, what are you talking about?”

“I’ll go to Earth with you, fight hard, maybe kill Chen Ning, avenge the elder, and make the first contribution.”

However, Gula shook his head and said with a heavy heart: “You are too naive. The motives of God King let me be the pioneer to go to Earth are not that simple.”

He felt that it was not that simple to send him to be the vanguard general and bring Olaf by name.

Maybe it’s bad, the king of gods hates himself.

Seeing that he couldn’t kill himself by himself, he planned to take the hands of the earthlings to kill himself and Olaf.

Olaf grinned and said, “Hoho, General, do you think I can’t see it?”

“Even if the King of God has such thoughts, why not?”

“We don’t care about life and death in this trip. Even if we die, we have to die heroically and die properly.”

Gula looked at Olaf in shock when he heard the words, and seemed to recognize the fierce general in front of him again. Under the rough appearance of Olaf, there is a heart that understands everything at this moment!

What is even more rare is that Olaf is too pure.

Let Guradu be in awe.


He was also infected by Olaf.

He became optimistic and said with a hearty smile, “That’s right!”

“When we go to Earth this time, we will either kill Chen Ning and make a terrifying feat, leaving the King of Gods speechless.”

“Or die heroically!”

“If we are really dead, it is estimated that the king of gods will wake up because of this, see the strength of the people on earth, and thus rein in the precipice and choose to retreat wisely.”

“If that’s the case, we’re pretty damn dead.”

Olaf hahaha said: “So we are here, regardless of life or death, we will forever remember the history of the Protoss.”

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