The One & Only

Chapter: 1769

City of God.

The former Holy See headquarters has been requisitioned by the Allies as a temporary operational headquarters.

at this time.

Lundgren, Woods and other gods of war are reporting to Chen Ning.

Longer said solemnly: “Master Commander, since the Protoss officially launched an attack on Earth.”

“All countries have been attacked by the Protoss and suffered heavy losses.”

“However, we have also shot down all the first spaceships of the Protoss.”

“It’s a great blow to the arrogance of the Protoss.”

Woods also said: “Yeah, the attack of the Protoss spaceship, our losses are really heavy.”

“We in the United States are in a mess now, and there are refugees everywhere.”

Chen Ning said solemnly: “The alien invasion, the earth defense war has started.”

“To appease the refugees, the logistics departments of each country are responsible for it.”

“We soldiers, we only need to do one thing well, and that is to kill all the invaders.”

“Only by killing them all can we protect our homeland!”

Lundgren, Woods and other gods of war, their eyes firmed, and said in unison: “Yes, kill all these monsters!”

Chen Ning ordered: “Although we shot down the first batch of spaceships of the Protoss.”

“But they also destroyed most of our planet’s satellites.”

“Our communication signal is paralyzed in a large area, and the next battle will be more difficult.”

“Also, although the Protoss spaceship was shot down, a large number of Protoss warriors landed on the earth using escape devices.”

“You immediately send troops to find these guys one by one, and then kill them.”

Lundgren and others said in unison: “Yes!”

Chen Ning was about to announce the end of the meeting.


Dian Chu came in in a hurry, and said anxiously: “Commander-in-chief, the big thing is bad.”

“Another batch of Protoss spaceships have arrived on Earth.”

“Moreover, these spaceships seem to be heading straight for us.”

The gods of war at the scene were anxious when they heard the words.

Chen Ning said: “Don’t panic.”

“Woods, you immediately notify the United States to activate your gypsophila space defense system.”

Woods immediately said: “Yes!”


He left in a hurry.

Chen Ning also instructed Dian Chu: “Notify the Huaxia Military Department to put the Red Axis Space Laser Attack System on standby.”

Dian Chu said: “Follow the order.”

Chen Ning said to Lundgren and others again: “Everyone, go and prepare for the battle at any time.”

Longer and others said in unison: “Yes!”

After half an hour.

Dozens of spaceships.

has begun to enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

These spaceships, just after entering the atmosphere, have already begun to attack the surface structures.

The unlucky one this time is the West.

Especially the area around the Capital of God is the key target of the spacecraft.

Just a minute.

More than a dozen cities in this area have been reduced to ruins, and in just one city, the capital of the gods, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed or injured.

Such tragic destruction has never been seen before.

Just when people in the region desperately thought the end was coming.

The Gypsophila space defense system of the United States has finally started to fight back against the spaceships in the air.

The base stations deployed by the United States at bases around the world are all operational.

The most advanced fighter jets have been launched from various airports.

Countless submarines have surfaced from the deepest part of the sea.

A missile vehicle rumbled out from the land base.

Air-based, sea-based, land-based.

The gypsophila space defense system composed of the trinity was activated at the same time.

A fighter jet fired missiles at the same time.

A submarine also launched missiles at the same time.

Countless missile vehicles also launched missiles at the same time.

Countless missiles, fired almost at the same time.

These dense missiles, like shooting stars, are intertwined and roared towards the spaceship of the Protoss.

In the Earth Alliance headquarters.

Chen Ning, Woods, Lundgren and other gods of war all watched this scene on the screen with solemn expressions.

Many people can’t even breathe.


Countless missiles flew towards the Protoss spacecraft like a meteor shower.


The missile was not even close.

These spaceships began to fight back.

The spacecraft sent out countless lasers, destroying most of the missiles.

Missiles exploded in the sky like huge fireworks.

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