The One & Only

Chapter: 1879 Part 2

He put down the wine glass and said to Chen Ning, “It seems that there is another unexpected situation. Woods and Mr. Liu Zhenping ordered the gods of war at Earth headquarters to urgently gather.”

“I’ll go back first and see what’s going on?”

Chen Ning stood up and said: “Okay, if you encounter any trouble and need my help, just let me know.”

Lundgren smiled and said, “I will definitely not be polite to Mr. Chen.”

Earth Alliance headquarters.

A large number of gods of war have been assembled.

And in the command room.

Woods, Liu Zhenping and several other important commanders of the Earth Alliance are almost there.

Lundgren disappeared.

Woods said displeasedly: “If I remember correctly, Lundgren is the leader on duty tonight, why is he missing?”

The voice just fell.

Lundgren, who smelled of alcohol, came in from the door.

“Haha, I’m here!”

Woods smelled the alcohol smell on Lundgren’s body, and frowned even more: “General Lundgren, you are still drinking on duty, are you joking about the safety of the earth?”

Lundgren said with a smile: “I just learned that there may be alien enemies sneaking into the earth, so I went to Mr. Chen to report the situation and had two drinks with him. He has promised to ask him to help if there is any trouble.”

Chen Ning Chen Ning, Chen Ning again!

Woods got angry when he heard Chen Ning’s name.

He said coldly: “Are you all trash?”

“Do you have to ask Chen Ning for help every time you encounter something?”

“You are not ashamed, I am ashamed.”

“I just don’t believe it. Without Chen Ning, we can’t live, and we can’t protect the earth and deal with the enemy.”

Lundgren was unhappy when he heard the words: “I went to Mr. Chen, just in case, buy insurance, what do you mean by getting mad at me?”

Liu Zhenping would quarrel when he saw these two great powers, the gods of war and the two major figures of the Earth Alliance.

He hurriedly acted as a peacemaker, and said, “Everyone, stop arguing.”

“In fact, everyone’s original intention is to protect the earth!”

“It was said just now that there were traces of alien spaceships around, and it seemed that mysterious alien visitors came towards us.”

“Let’s discuss the countermeasures quickly!”

Both Woods and Lundgren had to give Liu Zhenping three points. They stopped arguing and were about to discuss countermeasures together.

But this time.

There was a loud bang outside, and screams were heard.

Everyone’s faces turned sideways, and they immediately got up and went out to check the situation.

When they came out of the command room, they saw a large number of gods of war also coming.

There are also many warriors of the Earth Alliance at the scene, all of whom are facing the enemy.


The door to the lobby of the Earth Alliance headquarters was smashed, and shards of glass fell to the ground.

There were also dozens of corpses of Earth Alliance soldiers lying on the ground.

In the shocked eyes of Woods, Lundgren, and Liu Zhenping.

Four burly alien figures walked in, stepping on the blood and corpses on the ground unhurriedly.


It was also followed by a team of murderous alien warriors in full alloy armor, armed with lightsabers.

No one else came in.

It is the four emperors of the universe and their personal soldiers.

Woods looked in horror at the alien powerhouse in front of him, pressed his shock, and shouted sharply, “Who are you, what planet are you from, and tell me your purpose!”

Lu Xiu looked around the audience and said lightly, “You don’t deserve to know who we are.”

“We are here this time, and the target is a few humans.”

“If you honestly follow our requirements and hand over the few humans we are looking for, then we can consider letting you die.”

“If you don’t cooperate, then we can only start killing people.”

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