The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 1019


The girl had a gloomy face and didn’t take Chen Ping’s words to heart at all. She suddenly jumped up, her body looking extremely weird in the night sky, and countless cold rays flew down towards Chen Ping!

“Seven stars kill!”

The girl shouted angrily, and countless flying knives fell from the air, directly covering Chen Ping’s body, making it impossible for Chen Ping to avoid it.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ping raised his eyebrows, shook his head in the end, and sneered: “This move is not effective but it seems promising.”

If the opponent the girl is fighting is one level worse than her, this move will definitely be useful, but she is facing Chen Ping, who has just killed Wu Zong, so this move is almost useless to Chen Ping. No.

Chen Ping closed his eyes and stood motionless, seemingly unable to fight back, and then several daggers went straight towards Chen Ping.


The girl shouted excitedly because she saw with her own eyes that the dagger had touched Chen Ping’s body.

But just after the girl shouted out with joy, the next moment her entire face turned black to charcoal!

Because she saw that after the dagger touched Chen Ping’s body, it made a sound of metal collision, and then all the daggers burst into pieces and fell to the ground. Looking at Chen Ping’s body, she found that it was unscathed.

“You…are you still human?!”

The girl looked at Chen Ping with wide eyes.

“Stop, you are no match for me. Tell me, who are you? Who are your parents?”

If Chen Ping could know the other person’s parents, it would be possible to find a family for Wu Meier.

“You have to give up on this, I won’t tell you!” The girl’s face was cold and her eyes were full of coldness.

The energy in the body was output wildly, and the cold breath poisoned all the vegetation within ten feet. The thin body actually contained such powerful poisonous energy!

In the blink of an eye, the dagger in the girl’s hand shot through the air again, the tearing feeling of splitting the space, carrying the aura of indomitable killing.

There is a faint green light on the dagger. It looks like it has been fed with poison. As long as it hits, it will definitely kill you!

After looking at the girl, he knew that he was unable to catch Chen Ping, so he planned to kill him.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ping sighed slightly, without even trying to hide, he directly raised his hand and waved, and the girl’s body flew out instantly.


The girl’s body hit the wall hard, knocking her unconscious. It was Chen Ping’s fault, otherwise the girl would have vomited blood and died.

The girl calmed down, but her eyes were still cold. Chen Ping really didn’t know where he had offended this girl. Why did he have to fight to the death with himself?

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