The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 1040

“Bah, who is willing to let you sleep…”

Xiaolan rolled her eyes at Chen Ping, then lay down on the bed and slept with her clothes on.

She didn’t tell Chen Ping about the powder, and it was impossible for her to give Chen Ping powder. After eating the powder, all the power will be lost in a short period of time, and it can only be restored after twelve hours. Wouldn’t Chen Ping become a waste and be slaughtered by others…

Xiaolan, who was lying on the bed, couldn’t fall asleep for a long time. Listening to Chen Ping’s snoring, she could only sit up and said: “I have such a big heart. I will be turned into a corpse king soon. I can still sleep…”

Xiaolan put on a tight suit and walked out of the room. Since she couldn’t blatantly ask King Miao, she had to search secretly to see if she could find any clues about her parents.

As soon as Xiaolan walked out of the room, Chen Ping, who had been snoring, suddenly opened his eyes, and with an imperceptible smile on his lips, he also stood up and followed him out.

As soon as Xiaolan went out, she went straight to the two-story building where King Miao was. Because she had lived here for twenty years, Xiaolan was very familiar with this place. Even if there were people patrolling the Miao village, Xiaolan easily avoided it. past.

Soon, Xiaolan entered the two-story building and walked around the hall, but found nothing. She knew that King Miao’s secret must be in the bedroom, because the Miao village had strict orders that no one could enter the house without King Miao’s permission. You cannot enter King Miao’s room privately.

Xiaolan has stayed in the Miao Village for twenty years and has never entered the Miao King’s room once. Xiaolan has never thought about going in to take a look, but now in order to find clues about her parents, she can only sneak in secretly.

Xiaolan hid outside the window of King Miao’s room and secretly looked inside. It didn’t matter what she saw. Xiaolan was surprised. She found that King Miao’s room was filled with red bedding and some lanterns hung to decorate it. It’s like a new house for a wedding.

After staying in the Miao village for twenty years, Xiaolan had never heard that King Miao had ever married a daughter-in-law. Why was the room dressed like this?

And it looks like she is newly dressed. Could it be that King Miao is going to get a wife soon?

Xiaolan was very surprised, but she didn’t think much about it. After seeing that King Miao was asleep, she went directly into the room.

Tiptoeing, Xiaolan looked inside King Miao’s room.

The furnishings in the room were very simple, with only a wardrobe and a table. However, next to the wardrobe, there was a huge safe. It was obvious that if King Miao had anything secret, he would definitely put it in the box.

Looking at the huge safe, Xiaolan looked embarrassed. Although she had a lot of skills, she didn’t have the ability to open the safe. She had to use her skills to break open the safe, but in that case, King Miao would find out that someone had broken into the safe. into his room.

Just when Xiaolan was in trouble, a photo on the table suddenly caught her attention. Xiaolan picked up the photo and looked at it carefully under the moonlight from the window.

When Xiaolan looked at the person in the photo, she was stunned. She could tell at a glance that the man in the photo was King Miao when he was young, but the girl next to King Miao looked particularly familiar to Xiaolan. Looks a lot like myself.

Although the photo is very old and a little yellowed, Xiaolan is sure that the girl in the photo must have something to do with her because she looks so much like her.

Just when Xiaolan was fascinated by the photo, she didn’t expect King Miao to sit up directly on the bed: “Who is it?”

King Miao shouted angrily, which startled Xiaolan. She hurriedly put the photo into her pocket, and Xiaolan suddenly jumped down from the building.

King Miao chased to the window, looked at Xiaolan who had disappeared, and then looked at the missing photo on the table, with a smile on his lips.

“Don’t worry, you will know everything tomorrow night…”

King Miao had a sinister look in his eyes.

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