The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 1218

Su Yuqi felt the warmth on Chen Ping’s body and couldn’t help but shed tears.

Although she had been with Chen Ping for such a long time, there was almost no time when the two of them hugged each other so intimately.

“Chen Ping, you know, when I first met you, I thought that with my status as the eldest daughter of the Su family, I could protect you and support you for a lifetime, but slowly I discovered that the person being protected was me. , but I can’t help you at all. I have blamed myself and felt inferior. As the enemies or friends around you become stronger and stronger, I feel smaller and smaller. I am not worthy of you…”

“It wasn’t until Grandpa Long told me about you, your identity, and that you needed my help on the island that I discovered that I am useful to you and what can I do for you. , this is what I am willing to do, now let’s go find Yanlong, don’t waste any more time…”

Su Yuqi whispered softly in Chen Ping’s arms.

“No, I will not sacrifice any of you for myself, never…”

Chen Ping let go of Su Yuqi and said with firm eyes.

“Boy, bring me the dragon crystal…”

At this time, Cheng Kun broke through the obstruction and came towards Chen Ping with a knife, his eyes fixed on the dragon crystal in Chen Ping’s hand.

Seeing Cheng Kun rushing over with a knife, Su Yuqi’s expression changed instantly.

Chen Ping frowned, and then clapped out with a palm!

With a bang, a sound like the impact of steel, Chen Ping’s palm directly broke Cheng Kun’s knife, and Cheng Kun’s body flew out directly.

Cheng Kun is only as strong as a grand master and is no match for Chen Ping. Chen Ping’s body has been treated with body tempering pills and is as hard as iron. With his strength as a grand master, he cannot hurt Chen Ping.

Cheng Kun fell to the ground and felt as if his whole arm had been shattered. He looked at Chen Ping in horror. The power of Chen Ping’s palm just now was beyond what a great master could possess.

Is this guy hiding his strength?

Cheng Kun looked at Chen Ping in front of him. Although he coveted the dragon crystal in Chen Ping’s hand, he didn’t dare to blindly grab it.

“Linger, take care of Yuqi…”

Chen Ping left Su Yuqi in the care of Gu Ling’er.

After all, Gu Ling’er’s strength is much stronger than Su Yuqi’s. Although Su Yuqi also has some strength and can deal with some ruffians, this strength is not worth mentioning in front of these great masters.

Gu Ling’er nodded and protected Su Yuqi.

Chen Ping took the dragon crystal and swallowed it without hesitation.

The dragon crystal entered Chen Ping’s body, and the heaven-shattering spiritual energy instantly filled Chen Ping’s body. The Heart Condensation Technique was activated, and Chen Ping’s Dantian eagerly absorbed the spiritual energy emitted by the dragon crystal.

Chen Ping has never felt such rich spiritual energy. With this dragon crystal, Chen Ping can absorb the spiritual energy all the time. This is of great help to Chen Ping’s practice. No wonder the old dragon head risked his life and wanted to Find a way to get Chen Ping to get the dragon crystal.

The sudden burst of spiritual energy from Chen Ping made everyone who was fighting fiercely around them stop.

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