The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 1520

In an instant, several breaths collided together, causing a violent explosion!

The dust that was stirred up covered the sky and the sun, like an aerial bomb exploding!


Chen Ping spurted out a mouthful of blood, his body hit the ground heavily, and several shadow clones disappeared in an instant!

Although Chen Ping has a shadow clone, and the shadow clone is also powerful, the spiritual power consumed by the shadow clone also comes from Chen Ping’s dantian!

In this case, the spiritual power in Chen Ping’s Dantian would be consumed five times, and he would not be able to sustain it at all!

At this moment, Chen Ping’s chest was sunken, several ribs were obviously broken, and the spiritual energy in his dantian was almost exhausted!

After the smoke and dust dissipated, Ning Zhi looked at the embarrassed Chen Ping and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: “Now all the treasures on your body will be mine…”

Ning Zhi slowly walked towards Chen Ping, followed closely by Na Gu Kaiyuan!

The two of them looked proud and relaxed. Chen Ping was already like this, and he was no longer a threat.

Chen Ping frowned and tried his best to gather the spiritual power in his body, but the spiritual power in his body collapsed and was almost exhausted. Now he no longer even has the strength to stand up.

“Where’s that dragon power?”

Chen Ping looked at Ning Zhi and Gu Kaiyuan walking over, feeling anxious!

He can no longer feel the overbearing power at the beginning. The fused dragon crystal is suspended in the body without emitting any power!

“What’s the matter?”

Chen Ping felt it with his heart and wanted to rush to find that power. Unfortunately, no matter how anxious he was, he still couldn’t sense it, as if the power was no longer in his body!

At this moment, Ning Zhi and Gu Kaiyuan had walked in front of Chen Ping, and then looked down at Chen Ping, their faces full of pride.

Gu Kaiyuan stepped forward and stepped on Chen Ping’s chest. He raised the corner of his mouth and said, “You destroyed my magical weapon. I think your sword is good, so use this sword to counteract it!”

Gu Kaiyuan said, bending down to pick up Chen Ping’s Dragon-Slaying Sword!

In fact, Gu Kaiyuan said this just for Ning Zhi to hear. He was afraid that after killing Chen Ping, all the treasures on Chen Ping’s body would belong to Ning Zhi.

After all, in addition to the dragon crystal on Chen Ping’s body, this dragon-slaying sword is also a rare magic weapon!

Just when Gu Kaiyuan bent down to pick up Chen Ping’s Dragon-Slaying Sword, the Dragon-Slaying Sword suddenly buzzed, followed by a sharp sword energy, which directly cut Gu Kaiyuan’s palm!

Fortunately, Gu Kaiyuan dodged quickly, otherwise the sword would have cut his throat!

Gu Kaiyuan’s palms were bleeding profusely, and he looked at Chen Ping and the dragon-slaying sword in shock!

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