The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 1608

Gu Kaiyuan patted the fire tornado lightly, and the fire tornado went directly towards Chen Ping!

The manic fire tornado was like purgatory. Countless flames turned into ferocious skeletons, grinning at Chen Ping!

This power affects the heaven and earth and shakes the void!

Chen Ping didn’t dare to be careless, he burst out with the power of the divine dragon and punched out hard!

Chen Ping’s punch instantly erupted into a soft light!

The soft light penetrated the fire tornado, causing the fire tornado to dissipate instantly!

Feeling the soft and holy light, Chen Ping was slightly stunned.

“Is this… is this the true essence of Holy Light Fist?”

After Chen Ping felt the soft and holy light, he felt an indescribable feeling of comfort.

Gu Kaiyuan frowned deeply. He could already feel the strength in his body slowly draining away. If he could not kill Chen Ping, he would have no chance.

“Use the blood as a guide, the earth as a coffin, and the ancestors to protect you…”

Gu Kaiyuan suddenly muttered something, and then slapped his chest with a palm!

A mouthful of blood sprayed out. The blood fell to the ground and was absorbed instantly!

The earth trembled, and then a huge pattern appeared on the ground, and the pattern was still emitting light.

“Come out…………”

Gu Kaiyuan roared, and then the patterns on the ground began to rotate!

Rays of light flashed through, and several human skeletons with only skeletons left appeared from the pattern.

Gu Kaiyuan bit his finger and dabbed his blood on the heads of several skeletons.

Several skeletons seemed to come alive in an instant, with balls of red light beating inside the skeletons, like human hearts.

Chen Ping frowned tightly when he saw this.

“What is this?”

Facing several skeletons, Chen Ping became a little uneasy.

He didn’t expect that Gu Kaiyuan could summon these scary things. It seemed that the Gu family had quite a lot of secrets.

“These are the bones of my ancestors. Now that you have disturbed my peace, let my ancestors kill you…”

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