The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 2112

“Let’s go and take a look.” Hu Mazi couldn’t control his mood anymore.

Soon the two people arrived at this altar-like place.

I saw a huge stone tablet standing at the entrance of the altar. On the stone tablet, there was a line of words engraved, “I always stand on the sword hill…”

Just such a line of words, standing at this door, seems to be telling people who come after you.

Chen Ping stood in front of this stone tablet and looked at this line of words, his eyes gradually became lost in thought.

This handwriting is full of sword energy. This is what the owner of the ancient tomb once carved on this stone tablet with his own two fingers. It was done in one go!

These few words reveal the owner of the stone tablet’s deep understanding of swordsmanship! Most people can’t see it at all!

Right in front of this stone monument, Chen Ping froze and stopped moving. He just raised his head and looked at the stone monument with a confused look on his face.

Chen Ping felt that on this stone tablet, he could figure out a hint of swordsmanship.

Hu Mazi saw Chen Ping suddenly staring at the stone tablet, so he said, “What’s wrong? Did you see something?”

But Chen Ping seemed not to have heard what Hu Mazi said, and he still stood motionless!

Hu Mazi frowned slightly and reached out to push Chen Ping. He was afraid that Chen Ping was controlled by something.

Here, anything can happen. If Chen Ping’s mental power is not strong enough, he may be controlled by his mind!

But Hu Mazi stopped as soon as he stretched out his hand.

He saw that Chen Ping was in trance, his eyes were dull, his pupils were dilated, and his eyes were all white, which looked very scary.

At this time, Chen Ping’s spiritual world had already been pulled into the stone tablet. Chen Ping also noticed something abnormal and wanted to break free from this mental restraint, but no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

Chen Ping’s body was trembling and sweat was dripping from his forehead.

Hu Mazi’s face became extremely ugly, and he suddenly took out a charm, bit his finger, and started drawing on it.

At this moment, Chen Ping had entered another world, and all the scenes in front of him had completely changed.

“Where is this? Where is this?”

Chen Ping shouted desperately, but no one answered him.

There was a gray world in front of Chen Ping, and he was standing on a huge rock.

As the world in front of him became clearer and clearer, Chen Ping was surprised to find that in front of him, there were corpses everywhere!

I saw millions of corpses lying here, bloody aura rising into the sky, and terrifying auras floating around. Chen Ping wanted to absorb these auras into his body, but no matter how he operated the Heart Condensation Technique, it was of no use.

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