The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 2257

The human figure moved towards Chen Ping and transformed into Su Yuqi!

Chen Ping was already on guard. Before several rays of consciousness shrouded his eyes, all he could see at this moment was a gray figure.

In this way, he will not be disturbed by his inner demons or lose his mind!

“Sister Yuqi……”

But at this moment, Xiaoru, who was behind Chen Ping, shouted excitedly after seeing the transformed Su Yuqi, and was about to step forward to hug Su Yuqi.

Seeing this, Chen Ping hurriedly reached out to stop Xiaoru: “Xiaoru, that’s not your sister Yuqi, please wake up…”

Chen Ping shouted to Xiaoru, and emitted a stream of spiritual power, trying to pull Xiaoru out of his fantasy.

But Xiaoru’s eyes were dull and her expression was dull. She didn’t listen to Chen Ping’s dissuasion and went straight towards the transformed Su Yuqi.

Just when Chen Ping wanted to hold Xiaoru, he realized that it was too late. The transformed human form had already arrived in front of him!

Xiaoru hugged the transformed Su Yuqi and burst into tears!

But just after Xiaoru hugged the transformed Su Yuqi, she saw Su Yuqi struggling desperately, and her expression was in pain!

I saw a faint white light emitting from Xiaoru’s body. This light was soft and holy, shining on the person’s body, making people feel very comfortable instantly!

Immediately afterwards, a pair of white armor appeared on Xiaoru’s body. This soft and holy white light was emitted by this armor.


The transformed Su Yuqi screamed and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

All the black fog in the palace also disappeared. At this moment, Xiaoru was like a fairy, which made people fearful.

At this moment, Xiaoru was also awake. Looking at the armor on her body, she seemed a little confused. She didn’t know what was going on.

Others looked at the armor that suddenly appeared on Xiaoru’s body and felt the holy light, with awe in their eyes.

Even Chen Ping was very surprised at this time. This seemingly ordinary armor could have such power!

Long Xiao was shocked and turned pale, and hurriedly started to activate the magic on his body, wanting to attack again!

But no matter what Long Xiao did, there was no more black mist filling the air, and even the black light on his body had disappeared.

At this time, the aura on Long Xiao’s body suddenly weakened a lot.

“Senior, senior…”

Long Xiao screamed in his heart, wanting to know what went wrong.

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