The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 2355

Mr. Shi asked in a calm tone.

“Yes, they all hope that Mr. Shi can seek justice.”

Zhu Zhishan’s face turned red at this moment, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

“Is this what you all mean?”

Mr. Shi asked as he glanced at everyone.

But no one spoke, everyone lowered their heads and didn’t dare to breathe!

“Zhu Zhishan, they don’t seem to mean that…”

Seeing that everyone was silent, Mr. Shi asked Zhu Zhishan.

Zhu Zhishan suddenly panicked and hurriedly said to everyone: “You guys are talking, Mr. Shi asked you, didn’t we all agree when we came?”

Zhu Zhishan roared loudly at everyone, but still no one spoke, everyone lowered their heads!

No matter what Zhu Zhishan said, no one said anything, and cold sweat instantly flowed from Zhu Zhishan’s forehead.

“Zhuzhishan…” Mr. Shi shouted!

“Shi…Mr. Shi…”

Zhu Zhishan trembled, knowing that Mr. Shi was angry.

“You led people to surround the Dharma Protector Pavilion and put pressure on me. It is simply lawless…”

Mr. Shi’s tone was cold, and then he raised his hand and waved lightly!

A huge force came, and before Zhu Zhishan could react, he flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

When the others saw this, they were all so frightened that they didn’t dare to breathe!

Zhu Zhishan hurriedly climbed up and lowered his head in front of Mr. Shi, not even daring to fart!

“You guys, all of you, give me ten slaps as punishment. If you dare to confront the authorities, you will be killed without mercy…”

After the words “kill without mercy” came out of Mr. Shi’s mouth, everyone in the sect family almost peeed with fear!

No one dared to hesitate at all, and they all started to slap their mouths, one harder and louder than the other!

Zhu Zhishan’s body was shaking like a sieve.

During this period, no matter what the Martial Arts Alliance did, it seemed that no official came forward to stop it, and even Mr. Shi never showed up!

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