The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 2408

Chen Ping was unwilling to give in, but the breath on his body was disappearing quickly, and finally Chen Ping’s body collapsed!

He wanted to get up again, but found that his body had no strength at all!

Fan Jiang stepped forward and looked down at Chen Ping coldly!

And now Chen Ping is just like Fan Jiang said, like a dead dog, being slaughtered by others!

“You have a lot of treasures on you. It seems I can’t just send you to hell…”

Fan Jiang said with a sneer.

Chen Ping didn’t speak. He was still working hard. He wanted to stand up!

Although there is no trace of spiritual power in his body, Chen Ping still has to stand up with the strength of his body.

Even if he dies, he can’t die like a dead dog!

But just as Chen Ping raised his head, he was stepped down by Fan Jiang.


The half of the body that was finally lifted fell back heavily.

“Stop struggling, it’s useless. Now hand over all the treasures on your body, and I will let you choose the most comfortable way to die…”

Fan Jiang looked down at Chen Ping with a disdainful smile on his face!

“You’re dreaming…”

Chen Ping glared at Fan Jiang fiercely!

Although he knew he was going to die, Chen Ping would not let Fan Jiang get anything!

“Okay, since you don’t hand it over, then I will crush your head…”

Fan Jiang said, raised his foot and stepped on Chen Ping’s head!

But Fan Jiang’s feet stopped in mid-air before they even landed!

He felt a powerful breath coming from him!

Then I saw a figure approaching from far away!

I couldn’t see the man walking, but his figure was approaching rapidly!

Fan Jiang’s heart trembled, he took his feet back and stared at the person coming!

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