The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 2622

That’s why Hu Mazi yelled at Teng Chenglin with great dissatisfaction, and then pulled Chen Ping over and said: “It’s better you do it, this grandson doesn’t respect martial ethics…”

Teng Chenglin was also very angry. This was a fight, and one slap could mean the difference between life and death. This was not playing house!

Chen Ping smiled, and then stood in front of Teng Chenglin casually!

At this moment, Teng Chenglin had an arrow ready to go and had to take action!

“Boy, suffer death…”

Teng Chenglin struck out with a palm, and the light lingering on his palm hit Chen Ping’s chest with a bang!

Chen Ping remained motionless, but Teng Chenglin was knocked away by the huge force of the shock!

Teng Chenglin’s body hit a table hard, smashing the table into pieces and scaring many guests to dodge in a hurry!

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Teng Chenglin’s mouth, and the aura on his body dissipated instantly.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding guests applauded unconsciously!

Seeing everyone looking at Chen Ping in shock and applauding Chen Ping, Hu Mazi was a little disappointed and said: “Damn it, you kid is pretending to be cool again…”

It’s obvious how much this Hu Mazi wants to show off in front of these people!

Teng Chenglin was so angry that his teeth ached. He stood up with all his strength, gritted his teeth and said, “Boy, you are dead this time. Let me tell you, I am a member of the Broken Heart Sect, and our sect leader will definitely kill you.”

When Chen Ping heard about the Broken Heart Sect, he immediately laughed: “Are you really a member of the Broken Heart Sect?”

“Not bad, are you scared?”

Teng Chenglin raised the corner of his mouth and said.

He thought that if he mentioned the Broken Heart Sect, there would be no one in Baihai City who wouldn’t be afraid of him.

“I’m afraid of your mother!” Chen Ping sneered, then looked at Hu Mazi and said: “Master Hu, I asked you to pretend for the last time…”

When Hu Mazi heard this, he immediately became happy and walked directly in front of Teng Chenglin!

“What…what do you want to do?”

Teng Chenglin looked at Hu Mazi in panic and asked.

Hu Mazi reached out and slapped Teng Chenglin: “Contact your sect leader now and ask him to come and kill me…”

Teng Chenglin was stunned. He was a little confused. Who were the old and the young in front of him?

Why don’t you seem to be afraid of their Broken Heart Sect at all?

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