The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 2776

When Kazuo Kawaguchi turned around, he found that Chen Ping had escaped!

“Boy, just wait for me, I will cut you into pieces…”

Kazuo Kawaguchi roared, but he comforted himself in his heart. Although Chen Ping ran away, the sword stayed!

But when Kawaguchi Kazuo turned around to look for the Dragon-Slaying Sword, he found that the Dragon-Slaying Sword had already disappeared!

The Dragon-Slaying Sword has long been fused with Chen Ping’s body. It is simply impossible for Kazuo Kawaguchi to obtain the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

Chen Ping didn’t dare to stop and galloped towards the nearest city!

The beast elixir in the body is constantly exuding bursts of monster power!

Chen Ping needs to find a place as soon as possible to refine this beast elixir!

Otherwise, the power in the beast elixir would always run rampant in Chen Ping’s body!

At this time, in a small town closest to Chen Ping, Hu Mazi and Ge Yuhan were anxiously waiting for Chen Ping!

“Master Hu, do you think Mr. Chen will be fine?”

Ge Yuhan looked guilty, but Chen Ping acted like this because he saved her.

“Don’t worry, this kid is very lucky. I’ve told him his fortune. He won’t die…”

Although Hu Mazi spoke calmly, his face was full of anxiety!

Soon, Chen Ping’s aura was sensed by the two people, so the two people’s faces lit up and hurried towards the location of the aura with confidence!

When they saw Chen Ping, they were all dumbfounded. They saw that Chen Ping’s body was in tatters and his face was red.

The skin on my body actually started to turn green!

“Chen Ping, what’s wrong with you?”

Hu Mazi stepped forward and asked.

“Master Hu, I swallowed the spider beast’s beast elixir and it hasn’t been refined yet. I need to find a safe place to refine the beast elixir…”

Chen Ping followed Hu Mazi and explained.

“follow me……”

Hu Mazi took Chen Ping very quickly toward a hotel!

After checking in, Chen Ping asked Hu Mazi to find a way to notify Kyoto that Ge Yuhan had been rescued to avoid being summoned!

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