The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 2902

“It seems that you are really cautious, and you even set up a magic circle at the entrance…”

Chen Ping narrowed his eyes slightly.

Just when Chen Ping was about to break the formation, more than a dozen people suddenly walked out of the entrance. The leader among them was huge and covered in hair!

This person is Omar, the realm of Wuhou!

Seeing people walking out of the ruins, Chen Ping felt much more at ease.

As long as these people are still in the ruins, none of them can escape!

But when Andrew walked out of the entrance to the ruins and saw Chen Ping and the others, Andrew lowered his head in embarrassment.

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with disbelief!

“Andrew, why are you here? Where is Anna?”

Chen Ping suddenly took a few steps forward and asked Andrew.

Although the two people were close at hand, Chen Ping could not pass through the magic circle!

Andrew lowered his head and said nothing because he didn’t know how to explain to Chen Ping!

However, Andrew’s expression instantly made Chen Ping guess what he was doing, and he said angrily: “Andrew, you betrayed Anna, right? Has Anna been caught, is she in this ruins?”

“No, I didn’t, I didn’t…” Andrew shook his head in pain: “They arrested my wife and children. I had no choice but to do this.”

Andrew shouted loudly, explaining through Chen Ping!

But how could Chen Ping listen to Andrew’s explanation!

At this moment, Chen Ping regretted letting Anna rest and leaving Andrew behind.

“If something happens to Anna, all of you will die…”

Chen Ping’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the terrifying murderous aura on his body instantly penetrated the magic circle and directly enveloped Andrew and the others.

Feeling the terrifying murderous aura on Chen Ping’s body, both Andrew and Omar were shocked and took two steps back!

“You dare to break into the mountain gate without permission. Leave here quickly and I will spare your life. Otherwise, you will only die…”

Omar roared angrily, and then the mountain guarding formation emitted waves of terrifying pressure!

Chen Ping and the others suddenly felt waves of pressure coming down. The high priest and Daniel instantly fell to the ground. They simply could not withstand the pressure of this formation!

Seeing the high priest immediately lying on the ground following Daniel, Omar laughed crazily: “Hahaha, you blind old man, how dare you come here if you don’t want to live your whole life in the Burning God Cult.”

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