The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 3745

Lu Chang originally occupied a stage, but when he saw Han Qing’er being bullied by Feng Wuhen, he ran over directly.

“Feng Wuhen, don’t be so fucking arrogant, I will castrate you today and make you a eunuch…”

Lu Chang roared at Feng Wuhen.

“Lü Chang, you licking dog, what are you calling me for? With your three-legged cat skills, you dare to go on stage to fight me?”

It seemed that Feng Wuhen didn’t take Lu Chang seriously at all!

“I will castrate you today even if I risk my life…”

Lu Chang’s face turned red, and the aura on his body began to rise!

“You are no match for him, come down…”

At this time, a loud shout sounded, and then a beautiful figure appeared on the ring again!

Lu Chang wanted to get angry, but when he saw the person coming, he swallowed his words instantly!

Because the person on stage is Yu Jiameng, Yu Qian’s daughter. Not to mention that Yu Jiameng is a famous figure, but with Yu Qian’s reputation in the eight secret realms, Lu Chang would not dare to be disrespectful to Jiameng!

“Miss Yu, I…”

Lu Chang wanted to say something else, but Yu Jiameng glared at him and said, “Go down…”

Lu Chang trembled all over and could only jump down from the ring!

“Miss Yu, you are not in your own arena, why did you come to my arena?”

Seeing Yu Jiameng, Feng Wuhen no longer had that lewd smile on his face, but asked slightly embarrassed.

“I can’t stand your bullying of women. Today I will compete with you. If I lose, I can let you kiss me. If you lose, I will castrate you…”

Yu Jiameng had a cold face and murderous intent in his eyes!

“Miss Yu, stop joking. I am no match for you. If I don’t fight you, I will admit defeat…”

Feng Wuhen is not stupid, there is no way he can follow Yu Jiameng!

“You are not allowed to admit defeat…”

Yu Jiameng scolded!

“Why can’t you admit defeat? The rules allow it. You can’t just change the rules because your father is Yu Qian, right?”

Feng Wuhen said!

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