The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 3781

Soon, everyone in the secret realm left, and the entire secret realm fell apart with a huge roar, and finally dissipated!

At this time, Chen Ping did not know that the secret realm where the secret realm conference was held had collapsed and died, and he was still on his way following the guidance of the treasure map!

But just after Chen Ping passed through a jungle, he suddenly stopped, and then his expression became a little nervous!

Because he felt that there were other breaths approaching him, and there were more than one person!

“Hey, how come there are other people in this secret place?”

The old man couldn’t help but wonder.

Chen Ping also didn’t expect that someone would appear in this new secret realm. Could it be that other people came in after seeing that he didn’t go out?

However, Chen Ping’s strength was suppressed at this time. Without knowing the identity of the other party, he did not dare to move forward rashly, so he found a place to hide and check the situation first!

Soon, dozens of figures slowly appeared. When these people approached, Chen Ping was stunned!

Because these people are not people from the eight secret realms, but people from the hidden world!

Although Chen Ping didn’t know most of them, Chen Ping had met and dealt with Tong Yougong from the Tianlei Sect and Bao Yukun from the Alchemy Sect!

There are also a few middle-aged people among them, and their auras are extremely powerful. They have obviously reached the realm of the Martial Emperor. It seems that these middle-aged people should be at the level of sect masters!

“Old boy, I really didn’t expect that there is an entrance to a secret realm near our hidden world. This place is really a paradise. Breathing a few breaths of air can make people feel relaxed and happy. I will move my gang here from now on!”

Leng Wudao said excitedly.

“Yes, it’s really good here, and I’ve seen it. The medicinal herbs here are also very rich. I want to move the Medicine Refining Sect here too…”

“And this place is countless times larger than our hidden world. This saves us from fighting openly and secretly for resources and territory.”

Bao Yukun also looked excited when he looked at the mountains of medicinal herbs.

“Don’t be too happy, you two. If there is an owner in this secret realm, we will definitely cause trouble if we rush in like this. I think we should go around first. If it is an ownerless secret realm, we can Consider moving here!”

Tong Haiyang said!

“Yes, let’s take a walk first. I think a few others must have come in, but I don’t know where they were teleported to. Let’s see if we can touch them!”

Bao Yukun nodded and said!

Chen Ping hid in the dark, listening to the conversation of several people, and he could generally understand it!

It turns out that the entrance to this new secret realm has also been opened in the hidden world. No wonder these people from the hidden world entered it!

Seeing these people getting closer and closer, Chen Ping held his breath and completely controlled his aura, for fear of being discovered!

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