The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 4028

At this time, Mr. Shi smiled and did not answer Chen Ping. Instead, he said: “Seven days will be the day when the spiritual energy recovery array will be launched. You must be prepared. There are some things that are not yet time for you to know. , when you can be proud of the world, you may be able to see things that you cannot see now…”

Mr. Shi’s words made Chen Ping fall into deep contemplation. He felt that he was walking step by step. No matter how hard he tried and how strong he became, he was still weak in front of Mr. Shi and still had to be protected by Mr. Shi. Down!

After such a long time, Chen Ping still didn’t know who Mr. Shi was, and he didn’t even know Mr. Shi’s name!

Mr. Shi was both familiar and unfamiliar to Chen Ping, but Mr. Shi’s care for Chen Ping was genuine.

After chatting with Mr. Shi for a while, Chen Ping left the Dharma Protector Pavilion and returned to Longmen!

When Chen Ping returned to Longmen, it was already dark!

Long Ruotong is waiting for Chen Ping at the door!

“Mom, why are you standing at the door…”

After Chen Ping saw Long Ruotong, he quickly stepped forward and helped Long Ruotong back to the room!

“I’m afraid you won’t come back. If you don’t come back tonight, I won’t recognize you!”

Long Ruotong said to Chen Ping!

“Mom, how could it be? If I promise you, I will definitely do it.”

Chen Ping said with assurance!

“That’s good, Ruxue and the others are in the next room. I’ve asked them to take a bath and are waiting for you!”

“I’m telling you, don’t try to fool me, I’m right here listening!”

Long Ruotong said!

When Chen Ping heard this, he sighed helplessly and said, “Mom, I’ve been busy all day and haven’t eaten yet. I have to be full, otherwise I won’t have the strength!”

Just as Chen Ping finished speaking, he saw Ji Ruxue walking over with a sumptuous dinner!

Ji Ruxue was wearing a very sexy outfit, her snow-white skin was exposed, and there were crystal water droplets hanging on her skin. It was obvious that she had just taken a shower!

“I knew you would say that. I had someone prepare a meal for you a long time ago.”

Long Ruotong said!

Ji Ruxue put the food away, glanced at Chen Ping lightly and said, “Eat quickly, the sisters are waiting for you…”

After saying that, Ji Ruxue left with a red face!

Seeing Ji Ruxue like that, Chen Ping had already started to get excited. He was also a normal man. In the past, it was because his mother was still suffering because he failed to rescue his mother, so he used this as an excuse to suppress himself. The fire in my heart!

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