The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 4082

“I understand, thank you, old village chief…”

Chen Ping said very gratefully!

In fact, the old village chief also knew that even if he brought all the people from Dashi Village, it would only increase casualties. Maybe their Dashi Village would be destroyed from now on!

Since Chen Ping was so committed, the old village chief decided to let Chen Ping give it a try!

“Zhuzi, let’s not waste any time, let’s go quickly…”

Chen Ping urged towards the pillar!

Zhuzi glanced at the old village chief, who waved his hand and said: “Go, pay attention to safety…”

Zhu Zhu nodded, and then led Chen Ping out of the room!

When Zhuzi passed by the door of his house, he took out a long knife as tall as himself and a bow and arrow from the room.

“Let me see the people in Daqing Village and I’ll shoot them to death…”

Zhuzhu gritted his teeth and seemed to hate the people of Daqing Village!

“Zhuzi, do people from Daqing Village always bully you?”

Chen Ping asked.

“No, they rely on their numbers and strength to always bully us. Originally, in this mountain range, we each have our own hunting grounds!”

“But Daqing Village expands their territory every year, pushing our Dashi Village hunting ground to the edge, and it’s getting smaller and smaller.”

“Every time I go out, I come back with very little harvest, so the people in our village are getting poorer…”

Zhuzhu introduced!

When Chen Ping heard this, it seemed that Daqing Village and Dashi Village were still feuding, both for the purpose of robbing resources!

“The people in Daqing Village were just robbing things, so why did they hurt people? Why did he catch Yun’er and the others?”

Chen Ping was very puzzled. Since it was for resources and there was no other hatred, just taking the things away, why did he still arrest people!

“Brother Chen Ping, you don’t know at all that the people in Daqing Village are bad. They arrest our people just to get things to ransom. Moreover, they will secretly attack our village and steal our things. We The watchtower in the village is to prevent sneak attacks from Daqing Village.”

“They not only robbed things, but also killed people. My father was killed by people from Daqing Village…”

As Zhu Zhu said that, he actually started to cry!

When Chen Ping saw it, he immediately stepped forward and stroked Zhu Zhu’s head, and then asked: “How can the people in Daqing Village be so bad? They are simply bandits…”

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