The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 4234

Chen Ping plans to go down the mountain to find the third elder. He wants to know about the Jade Cauldron Sect’s Tibetan Medicine Pavilion!

“Wait a moment……”

Just when Chen Ping turned to leave, the second elder suddenly called him.

“Didn’t I pass the assessment? Is there anything else?”

Chen Ping asked!

“You have passed the assessment, but you just passed this kind of assessment. Although I don’t know what kind of hard Qigong you practice that can make you invulnerable, but if you think it is so easy to become an inner disciple of our Jade Cauldron Sect, you are wrong! ”

“All of our Jade Cauldron Sect disciples are pharmacists, and each of them can refine elixirs. So if you want to become an inner disciple of the Jade Cauldron Sect, you can’t do it just by relying on brute strength. You need to be able to refine elixirs.”

“I won’t embarrass you. You only need to refine a fifth-level elixir within an hour, and I can issue you a token to become a true inner disciple of the Jade Cauldron Sect!”

The second elder said to Chen Ping!

“Uncle Second Master, when did the inner sect’s assessment include the alchemy part?”

Nie Heng asked in confusion!

Because this link has never been included before, why is alchemy suddenly added today?

“When was it added? Do I still need to inform you? I am the supervisor of the assessment. I can add whatever links I want!”

The second elder was already in a bad mood, and now he cursed Nie Heng and vented his anger!

Nie Heng was scolded and fell silent, but Chen Ping could see that this second elder was obviously trying to make things difficult for him!

But for Chen Ping, refining alchemy is simply a piece of cake, and it is such a low-level fifth-level elixir, Chen Ping has it at his fingertips!

“No problem, I can make pills.”

Chen Ping said!

“Okay, I will order someone to bring the cauldron and medicinal herbs, but the time is only one hour, so you must make good use of it.”

The second elder raised his lips and said!

“No need to go to so much trouble. It’s just a low-level fifth-level elixir. Why do you need a furnace?”

“As for this medicinal herb, it’s all over the mountains and plains here. Just pick a little and it’s enough.”

Chen Ping stopped the second elder and said!

The second elder was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, “Boy, this is alchemy. It’s not like you have a strong qigong and you can go on a rampage and refine the elixir. Do you have to think clearly?”

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