The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 4632

“Huofeng, I really don’t have the strength to run anymore, I want to sleep!”

Su Yuqi’s eyes kept fighting!

“Yu Qi, you can’t sleep, just hold on.”

Yu Jiameng quickly shook Su Yuqi and said!

But Su Yuqi’s eyes were not obedient at all and closed tightly.

“Yuqi, Yuqi…”

Seeing this, Yu Jiameng hurriedly shook Su Yuqi, but Su Yuqi didn’t react at all!

“Huofeng, look quickly, what’s wrong with Yu Qi?”

Yu Jiameng said hurriedly!

Upon seeing this, Huo Feng hurriedly investigated Su Yuqi’s arrival, but after this investigation, Huo Feng suddenly turned pale with fright!

“It’s broken. Sister Yuqi’s breath is weak, and the life soul in her body is beginning to dissipate…”

Huofeng was shocked and said!

“Ah? How could this happen? How could this happen?”

Yu Jiameng didn’t understand why Su Yuqi suddenly became like this when she wasn’t injured!

“Sister Yuqi is a fire spirit. She has been running around in this extremely cold place for a while, and she has no time to recover her physical strength. Now that the cold air has entered her body, it is in conflict with her fire spirit body, which is why she is like this. .”

Huofeng explained!

“What should we do?” Yu Jiameng asked anxiously!

During this time, the three of them have become like sisters. Seeing Su Yuqi like this, Yu Jiameng felt very distressed!

“I can’t help it. My spiritual power is not enough right now. If there is a ball of flame, I might be able to keep Sister Yuqi’s soul from spreading!”

Huofeng frowned and said!

But where to make a fire in this freezing cold place?

And if they raise the flames, Gao Qisheng will chase them soon, and they won’t be able to run away at all!

Just when Huofeng and Yu Jiameng were at a loss, suddenly there was a sound outside the cave!

The two of them knew that Gao Qisheng must have led his men to chase him!

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