The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 4659

This scene confused Watan, and even Chen Ping was a little puzzled!

This Watt stole the treasure map, sold it everywhere, and spread the news about the treasure of the Ancient Body Refining Clan. Even if it was not a death penalty, he would still be punished!

But the patriarch actually helped Watt untie the rope!

“Clan leader, Watt stole the treasure map and sold it on a large scale. According to the clan rules, he should be punished. Although he is my brother, I will never show favoritism.”

Wagong followed the clan leader with a solemn expression!

“Get up, I allowed Watt to sell the treasure map…”

The patriarch said with a faint smile!

The clan leader’s words immediately made Watan confused. He didn’t understand, since the clan leader allowed it, why did he let himself take people to capture Watt?

When Chen Ping looked at the clan leader, he suddenly seemed to understand something!

“Brother, it was the clan leader who asked me to do this. Otherwise, with my ability, I would be able to steal the treasure map.”

“Now that the treasure map has been sold, many people have flocked to the Far North, and we have made a lot of money.”

Watt smiled at the jar and said!

“Clan leader, what on earth is going on?”

Watank asked, completely confused!

“Watan, you also know that our ancient body refining clan’s resources are getting less and less, and our strength has stagnated. If this continues, we will be swallowed up sooner or later, and even the treasure cannot be defended!”

“If our ancient body-refining clan wants to continue to survive in the Far North, the only way is to disrupt the pattern of the Far North. Only in this way will the forces hiding in the darkness in the Far North appear.”

“In this way, our ancient body-refining clan can survive in the turmoil, and if we want to destabilize the Far North, we need enough temptation, otherwise who would come to this cold and barren land!”

“And this temptation is the treasure of our ancient body refining clan, so I asked Watt to take the incomplete treasure map to Jialing County to sell it.”

“As a result, many people will set foot in the Far North in search of treasures, and there will definitely be conflicts.”

“The Far North is in chaos, and only our ancient body-refining clan has a chance…”

The patriarch explained in detail!

“Clan leader, since you gave me permission, why did you ask me to lead people to arrest my brother?”

Wagong asked puzzledly!

“Only if you catch your brother, and everyone sees it, will they believe in the authenticity of this treasure map.”

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