The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 4676

“Boy, you are really brave. You are only at the second level of Fusion Realm, but you dare to step out of the formation and face a few of us.”

The fifth-level monk in the Fusion Realm sneered!

“You could have survived, but you are looking for death…”

After Chen Ping finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared, and he didn’t know when he had arrived in front of the fifth-level Fusion Realm monk!

Then Chen Ping grabbed the monk’s neck with one hand, like a chicken!

That fifth-level Fusion Realm monk was unable to resist in Chen Ping’s hands!


The fifth-level Fusion Realm cultivator looked at Chen Ping with shock on his face.

But Chen Ping didn’t give him a chance to speak. A burst of fire penetrated the monk’s lower body and burned instantly!

Since these shameless guys are capable of taking off their clothes in public, Chen Ping will let them experience the burning sensation of flames!

Soon, the ultimate fire burned blazingly, and the fifth-level Fusion Realm monk screamed in agony, but soon turned into a pile of ashes!

When the other people saw this, they were immediately stunned!

They never expected that a fifth-grade Fusion Realm monk would be easily killed by a second-grade Fusion Realm monk!

This is absolutely terrible!

“Zhihuo, I remembered, he used Zhihuo…”

“The demon clan is the most powerful, he is a demon cultivator…”

Finally, among these people, someone recognized Chen Ping’s Zhihuo!

Upon hearing the words “Demon Race Zhihuo”, several monks turned pale with fright, turned around and ran away!

It’s just that they can’t outrun Chen Ping’s extreme fire!

I saw Chen Ping pinching his fingertips, and three rays of fire came instantly and fell on the three monks!

The flames were burning fiercely, and no matter how hard they struggled, it was of no avail!

Several monks could only watch themselves being burned to death, their consciousness disappearing little by little!

They couldn’t understand how Chen Ping, a young monk of the second level of the Fusion Realm, even a demon cultivator, could be so powerful!

Soon, several monks were burned to ashes and blown away by a gust of wind, as if they had never been there!

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