The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 5161

Demon Emperor Yihe sat in the main hall of the imperial city, frowning!

And in the main hall, there are some generals from Demon Imperial City!

However, among these generals, the highest strength is only the seventh level of the Fusion Realm, and there is no one with high strength at all!

Since the Demon Imperial City was conspired by Li Xing and Hu Ben to capture it, some of the loyal and powerful people in the Demon Imperial City were secretly massacred!

Huben is afraid that these people are so powerful that if they rebel, Huben will not be able to suppress them at all!

With the help of the people from Mingli King’s City, Huben can still firmly hold the position of Demon King, but he can’t always rely on the people from Mingli King’s City to help him rule!

So this Huben secretly killed everyone who threatened him in Demon Imperial City!

This resulted in the disappearance of all the powerful people in Demon Emperor City, leaving only these generals in the Fusion Realm!

Originally, there were five emperor-protecting masters in the Imperial City. The purpose was to activate the secret mechanism when the Demon Imperial City was in danger and the Demon Emperor needed it, and these five emperor-loyal masters would appear!

These five royal masters are all great monks in the Tribulation Realm. When they have nothing to do, they just meditate and practice. They don’t ask about the affairs of the Demon Imperial City!

Demon Emperor Yihe was betrayed by Hu Ben, and the incident was too sudden, so he didn’t even have time to release the five royal masters!

After Yihe recaptured Demon Imperial City and killed Hu Ben, he immediately went to check on the five royal masters, only to find that all five of them died tragically!

It was obvious that Huben took advantage of them and killed five people!

As a result, the strength of the Demon Imperial City was greatly reduced. Except for Yihe himself, there was no master of overcoming the tribulation in the entire Demon Imperial City!

Fortunately, there are many guards in the Demon Imperial City. In addition, there are tens of thousands of monsters around the Demon Imperial City, so they can temporarily protect the Demon Imperial City!

But after King Li knew that Yihe was back and had taken back the Demon Imperial City, he immediately brought his people and prepared to attack the Demon Imperial City!

King Li came well prepared and brought many experts with him, so he clearly had an advantage in strength!

However, the Demon Imperial City was protected by the city, so King Li did not immediately lead his men to attack the city, and the two sides were in a stalemate for a while!

“Demon Emperor, that Mingli King City bullied people so much that they even led them to the door of their house. The worst we can do is die together. We will fight them to the end.”

Someone opened his mouth and broke the tranquility in the hall!

“I feel something is wrong. The strength of Mingli King City is obviously higher than ours. I think we should seek peace.”

“The reason why King Li didn’t attack us immediately, I think he also wanted to seek peace.”

“We can send envoys to King Li to ask for peace. At worst, we can send him more resources to make them retreat.”

Some people are afraid of Mingli Wangcheng’s strength and actually seek peace!

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