The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 6303

“You don’t need to understand, just go down and test whether there is any danger.”

Mu Nayi said!

Then the Mu family had no choice but to cautiously jump up and then fall towards the immortal energy pool!

But as soon as he came into contact with the pool of immortal energy, a fierce aura hit the Dantian of the Mu family!


In just a moment, the Mu family exploded and died!

Seeing this scene, Mu Naiyi and Mu Yao were shocked!

“What…what’s going on?”

Munaiyi asked confusedly!

This has touched upon her knowledge blind spot!

Mu Yao was also confused. He just guessed that these were immortal energy.

Now, as soon as he got down, the person exploded and died, which made Mu Yao not dare to talk nonsense anymore!

“Why did that kid Chen Ping fall into it and nothing happened?”

Mu Yao was very puzzled!

Several people were standing by, and no one could explain it clearly!

“Miss, there’s no way we can keep going like this.”

Mu Yao frowned and said!

“Then what should we do? What if that guy Chen Ping comes out as soon as we leave?”

Mu Nayi said!

“Miss, I don’t think we all need to stay here. I will lead some people to stay here while you go to other places.”

“If you encounter the saints from Guanghan Palace and arrest them directly, I think Chen Ping cares about these saints very much.”

“When the time comes, we can use these saints as bargaining chips to blackmail Chen Ping into showing up and handing over the statue!”

Mu Yao gives Mu Nayi advice!

Mu Naiyi thought for a while, then nodded and said: “Okay, that’s it, you must keep an eye on it. As soon as Chen Ping shows up, you will notify me immediately.”

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