The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 6648

Seeing the light curtain that suddenly appeared in front of him, Chen Ping knew that there might be someone here!

If this cave is really inside the sacred volcano, then who would be in this cave?

Chen Ping stepped forward, observed carefully, and found that the formation patterns on the formation were very old. It was obvious that this formation had been arranged here for many years, probably hundreds of years ago!

Been here for hundreds of years? Who on earth is it?

You must know that the only thing that can be used in this cave is the extremely fine filaments of flames that seep in, and there is no spiritual energy at all!

If there is no spiritual energy in this place, how can we practice?

I wouldn’t choose this place for retreat!

Chen Ping tried to emit his spiritual consciousness to see who was behind the light curtain, but his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate the light curtain at all!

Now Chen Ping didn’t know if there was someone behind this light, or if it was like the light door just now. After passing through, it was still this cave.

“Senior, this junior has no intention of entering this place. I don’t know how I got out. If you disturb me, please don’t take offense, senior.”

Chen Ping shouted loudly towards the light curtain!

If there was anyone behind the light curtain, they must have heard Chen Ping’s shouts!

After shouting, after waiting for a moment, Chen Ping carefully investigated the formation!

This formation is not difficult. For Chen Ping, it should be regarded as a simple defensive formation!

After just two glances, Chen Ping discovered the formation’s center point!

Chen Ping flicked his finger, and several rays of spiritual light flew out and hit the formation’s eye!


The light curtain began to shake violently, and then disappeared instantly. When the light curtain disappeared, rays of light directly illuminated the entire cave!

In the dark cave, the colorful lights are very dazzling.

Chen Ping quickly blocked his eyes, then slowly looked over and found that this was the end of the cave!

And there is a clearly visible stone door at the end. There are various paintings on the stone door that even Chen Ping cannot see!

“There really is life here…”

Seeing the stone gate, Chen Ping could be sure that someone lived here!

Carefully walking over, Chen Ping pressed his hand on the stone door, and then injected a burst of spiritual power into it!

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