The Order of the Dragon King

Chapter: 6702

Seeing the sudden disappearance of the flame breath, everyone was stunned and didn’t know what happened!

When everyone got closer, they discovered that the Divine Fire Seal had somehow reached Chen Ping’s hands!

You must know that it is not a simple matter for the Divine Fire Seal to recognize its owner, and not everyone can have the Divine Fire Seal recognize its owner!

Now that the Divine Fire Seal is in Chen Ping’s hands, it proves that the Divine Fire Seal has recognized Chen Ping as its master!

How could the Divine Fire Seal pass from Huo Dong’s hands to Chen Ping’s in such a short period of time?

No one knows what happened!

Everyone looked at Chen Ping in disbelief!

Huo Yuanting was even more shocked and said: “Son, what’s going on? How did the Divine Fire Seal get into his hands?”

Huo Dong didn’t say a word, he had been stunned for a long time, and fear was already showing in his eyes at this moment!

Once a person’s heart is occupied by fear, he is completely doomed!

“Chen Ping, I lost, I lost, please spare my life…”

Huo Dong was actually following Chen Ping to beg for mercy!

Huo Dong’s sudden begging for mercy left everyone confused, wondering what Huo Dong had just experienced.

Even Huo Yuanting didn’t expect that his son would actually beg for mercy!

“Spare your life?”

Chen Ping had a joking look on his face, and the Divine Fire Seal in his hand suddenly burst into flames!


Huo Dong’s body was immediately wrapped in flames, and screams came from Huo Dong’s mouth!

In just a moment, Huo Dong’s whole body was burned to ashes!

Huo Yuanting didn’t even have time to save him!

There was silence!

Huo Dong, who was in the Mahayana realm, was begged for mercy by Chen Ping, a fifth-level master in the Tribulation Realm, and was burned alive in the end!

If someone had told them before that a fifth-level Tribulation Realm master could defeat a Mahayana Realm monk, they would definitely not believe it and would scold him to death!

But now, they all believe it, because this is what they saw with their own eyes!

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