The Protector

Chapter: 1466

Heihu several people stared at Heifeng closely.

For fear of missing a detail.

“That’s because of Daxia Wulong’s injuries. Those who are in prison are in prison!”

After Hei Fenghuang gave the answer, Heihu was shocked.

“how is this possible?”

“Daxia Wulong is the strongest in combat, how could it be injured? Not to mention being locked up in prison.”

“Yes, the four gate valves have been trained for nearly a hundred years, and none of them have cultivated a successor to the Great Xia Wulong! I don’t believe anyone can hurt them?”

“Not to mention that there are prisons that can hold them!”

Everyone looked incredulous.

Hei Fenghuang smiled and said: “Indeed, with their combat power, no one can hurt them! At least no such existence has ever appeared.”

“But what if Daxia Wulong killed each other?”


Hearing this, the eyes of the black tigers lit up.

“Daxia Five Dragons killed each other???”

However, this is the only reason why Daxia Wulong was injured.

“The five dragons of the Great Xia are the East Demon, the West Buddha, the Southern Emperor, the Northern Demon, and the five members of the Chinese Army!”

“East Demon, it is rumored that he once swallowed a small dragon and possessed the blood of a dragon, and his strength was terrifying.”

“West Buddha, is an ascetic monk who is invincible in his practice! The artillery can’t be broken even if he is invulnerable!”

“The Southern Emperor, born in an ancient family of emperors, is a mysterious martial artist, unfathomable!”

“The Chinese Army was once the god of the army in Daxia, and the soul of the army in the minds of thousands of soldiers! It is the strongest myth in the army!”

“North Demon, the origin is mysterious, no one knows everything before. Like his nickname, he is like a demon, the most terrifying killing machine!”

“According to legend, the five dragons of Daxia are equally powerful, regardless of each other, but in fact the four of them are equally powerful, and only the North Demon is the strongest!”

Several people in Black Tiger didn’t speak.

Quietly listening to the black phoenix talk.

“Although these five people are called the Great Xia Five Dragons, they don’t have any intersection with each other!”

“Until one day, the North Demon’s wife was tragically killed by Da Xia!”

“The Northern Demon was driven mad, and turned into a killing machine, killing people when they saw it! Incarnate into a catastrophe and catastrophe!”

“Although Da Xia sent many people to stop him, it was useless at all. He is too strong!”

“In desperation, the Chinese army was sent to stop him, but the Chinese army was defeated.”

“Finally, Daxia asked the East Demon, West Buddha, Southern Emperor, and the Chinese Army to join forces. With heavy encirclement and various trap designs, Daxia finally captured the North Demon in the shocking battle overseas!”

“However, the East Demon four also paid an extremely painful price, and the four of them were reduced to useless people, and they have not been whereabouts so far.”

“But the most terrifying thing is that the North Demon was actually not injured, but was captured and locked up in prison!”


Heihu and others took a breath.

This is too scary, right?

One person played against Daxia Wulong and the other four, and the four were abolished. What’s wrong with him?

The most important thing is that Da Xia sent hundreds of thousands of people to assist and set up various traps, and only caught him when he was weakest.

Isn’t it too strong?

“The rumor is that Daxia Yanlongwei wants to take the Northern Demon for its use! The Northern Demon refused, so they killed the Northern Demon’s wife!”

“That’s why the North Devil hates Daxia! I think it hates even more than the members of our Avengers!”

The Black Tiger’s Adam’s apple slid and swallowed, “Then if the Northern Demon is released from the prison, then it would be a terrifying disaster for Daxia.”

Hei Phoenix nodded, “Well, the leader is about to let him out.”

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