The Protector

Chapter: 1899

Everyone pointed their fingers at Ye Junlin.

And the evidence is good!

So many people have seen it again!

It’s almost impossible to argue!

“Puff puff……”

In the field, Commonwealth Killing God’s poisoning situation became more and more severe.

There are more and more bloodstains on the body, and the cracks are getting more and more serious.

If this goes on, it will definitely explode!

At this time, Richard and the others were relieved.

The original plan was to kill Ye Junlin, and then let Commoner Killing God be poisoned, even if he didn’t die, it would have to be abolished.

It was their plan to get rid of the two superstars at the same time.

But now it is an indisputable fact that Ye Junlin can’t kill him.

Now try to recover the loss as much as possible.

Can only be poisoned by Commoner Killing God.

The corners of Hao Yuxuan’s mouth rose slightly.

“Master, don’t blame me! Actually, I am not from Daxia at all, I am from Dongdao! You die!”

He sneered in his heart.

Seeing this continue, the commoner kills God will undoubtedly die.

Ye Junlin hurriedly used acupuncture and moxibustion to stabilize the poison of Commoner.

“Look, it’s Ye Junlin! He can control this toxin!”

Seeing that the seizure of Commoner Killing God was under control, someone immediately shouted.

“What reason do you have now? Ye Junlin can control this kind of poisonous attack! Who did the poison that he did not inflict it?”

Everyone immediately questioned.


Ye Junlin was dumbfounded.

He was obviously saving Commoner and killing God.

How could it become his poison?

It’s really hard to tell!

Ye Junlin sneered and said, “I can even break this sword. Can he be my opponent? How can I poison it?”


Facing Ye Junlin’s questioning, everyone was taken aback.


Ye Junlin is obviously better than Commoner to kill the gods!

Why is he poisoning?

Isn’t it superfluous?


Hao Yuxuan couldn’t find a good reason to refute it.

“It’s you! You evil demons have a changeable temperament! It’s normal to use highly poisonous!”

“Also, you just breathed a sigh of relief in front of you, why suddenly your strength soared! This is the evil spirit!”

Everyone really couldn’t find a reason to refute, so they forcibly defined Ye Junlin as a poisoner!

Facing the situation of Qianfuzhi, Ye Junlin smiled calmly: “Whatever you think, these have nothing to do with Lao Tzu!”

Ye Junlin stopped explaining, and didn’t want to explain.

Anyway, this is not the first time that this desire has been added to the crime.

Even if this matter they no longer think it is his.

Other things will be added in the same way!

“Hurry up and save people, or he will really die!”

Ye Junlin glanced at Commoner Killing God, and then left.

All the students of Common Killing God ran up…

Ye Junlin stepped out like this step by step.

Everyone in the audience looked at him.

Fear and anxiety surged into my heart.

The Heretic God is so powerful…

Who can take him?

There is nothing to do with Tiance Mansion.

There is really no way!

“Damn it, it’s damn it! It will be even harder if you want to kill him next time!”

Richard and the leaders of the East Island forces smashed the table severely.

If you let them know that at such a high price, Ye Junlin was actually using it to break through.

I’m afraid everyone will vomit blood on the spot!

“This time Commoner Killing God is defeated, I’m afraid it will change the situation!”

“It is another heavy blow to the Daxia martial arts world, countless Tianjiao has been abolished, and now the descendants of the Heretic God have reached this state again, it is difficult!”

Everyone began to sigh.

The end is coming!

Before Ye Junlin had to evade, righteous people went to annihilate.

Nowadays, people are walking swaying.

No one else can do anything!

“Is there anyone who can defeat Ye Junlin? Come one!”

“By the way, what about the person who injured Ye Junlin before?”

Next second.

Suddenly an angry voice came.

“Ye Junlin will die for me!”

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