The Protector

Chapter: 2904

If it is said that the people before the East Island, the mission of living is to keep the Great Xia Bi down.

Then the mission of this generation must include one thing-get rid of Ye Junlin.

Now so.

It was the same in the past.

“But it’s not easy to kill Ye Junlin now. Just how strong is he, everyone has seen it?”

“After the world’s environment has changed drastically, everyone is saying that gods are the strongest! But now, some people are killing gods at will! If this message goes out, I’m afraid it will cause an uproar!”

The prince said coldly: “We can only unite! If he can kill ten gods, we will summon 20. If he can kill 20, we will summon fifty! I don’t believe it, there are hundreds of gods at once, he How to kill?”

“Yes, Ye Junlin must die! Let’s take a long-term plan, summon enough powerhouses, and take action together. I don’t believe that Ye Junlin can stop…”

“Although we have hundreds of gods in East Island, we can’t bet on East Island’s future! We have to unite with other forces, or borrow a knife to kill people! Use other people’s hands to deal with Ye Junlin!”

“It can not only kill Ye Junlin, but also store our strength!”

They have set their mindset to create a shocking situation for Ye Junlin.

The three of Ye Junlin did not leave the East Island.

Instead, rest in a nearby place.

Ye Junlin directly picked up the poison scripture and studied it.

Doctor Dark is also watching.

After a while.

Doctor Dark praised: “It’s an ancient book of Daxia! I have searched for many years of poisons and there are records! There are also 87 kinds of toxins in the strongest poison, I have seen at least six of them. All have corresponding solutions.

The main reason is that I don’t know what the other toxins of the strongest poison are, maybe they already have it. ”


Both Ye Junlin and Doctor Dark had smiles on their faces.

This poison scripture can bring hope.

Ye Junlin and Dr. Dark looked in different directions.

The Dark Doctor is detailed, the solution to each toxin.

But Ye Junlin was looking for a solution to the strongest poison at once.

For example, are there any drugs or methods that can solve all kinds of poisons.

No matter what kind of poison is okay.

Two people have been studying.

The two were even more careful not to miss a point.

A full day and night have passed for this research.

It was a pleasant surprise for Doctor Dark.

He has mastered too many poisons and solutions.

He is also very confident.

Even if these methods cannot directly detoxify Junjun, it is still possible to delay these.

You know, before he faced Junjun’s situation, he was helpless, and there was no way.

But after having a poisoning method.

He can at least control the onset of Jun Jun’s illness and delay the toxin.

He believes this is just the beginning.

Just after reading the poison scripture.

Jun Jun’s situation may be resolved.

The two have been studying.

Soon came the end of the poison scripture.

After turning to the penultimate page at the end, Ye Junlin’s eyes lit up fiercely.

The whole person was breathing quickly.

When Doctor Dark saw it, he was also stunned.

Does the poison scripture really have a way and things to unravel the poison? ? ?

The first part of the poison scripture is the collection record and solution of poison in the creator’s life.

And later, this is the solution created by the creator of the poison scripture fusion of medicine and the path of poison, and useful things and substances that have been tested.

All the things in the front of the co-author are pediatrics.

Finally is the real point!

Detoxification is too exciting.

Ye Junlin was short of breath, and he was about to suffocate.

As long as you master this method, wouldn’t Jun Jun’s poison be cured?

The answer is on the last page, as long as you turn it down, you can find a solution to Junjun’s poison.

Ye Junlin shuddered and turned to the last page…

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